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A Simple COPYCAT Skill using Common Events

Tu Chau

I was thinking of a skill that makes my robot character unique. Then I came up with this idea. COPYCAT.
This skill allows him to simulate other skills. However, there is a limited amount of the skills he can copy in order to prevent he becomes too OP.

Here’s a way using common events.

First, we need to create two skills: COPYCAT (the skill allow the user to “learn” other skills) and RESET (the skill that allow the user to forget every copied skills s/he has learned). Both link to Common Events.

In Common Events Tab, we have two common events that are called when using the skills: COPYCAT and RESET.

Make sure your user can use all the skill types of the copied skills OR they will not be displayed after COPYing.


Advanced Steps:
- Showing how many copied skills have been learned, the max amount to the user in COPYCAT skill’s description would be informative.
- You can use @Tsukihime ’s Large Choices plugin to customize the showchoice if you have more than 6 skills to “copy”.
- Use a variable to store the max amount so you can change it later. (ex: when the hero levels up, the max amount increases). I just saw @Tsukihime ’s Level up Events plugin. You can use it as a way to update the variable.
- The higher the user’s level is, the more powerful skills s/he can copy.
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Towns Guard
The only problem is every skillset the character can copy is the same. Maybe there's a way to get a list of the enemies he's fighting with? I'll update as soon as I can find out where this is stored in the code.


So, the info about the battle is stored in the $gameTroop object. Since the data for each enemy is in $dataEnemies it will need a bit of work to get it done, but that's totally doable. I'll work on it today =)
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