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  1. NissaAnimist

    Thoughts and help on Exp.

    Do you know any good starting numbers? Or anything of that sort. I feel like if I tried to just start I wouldn't know how to go about the gradual curve, thats my biggest problem, I know that there is some amount of math involved like the level you think most players should be leaving the first...
  2. NissaAnimist

    Thoughts and help on Exp.

    So I guess I've been a little busy bee on the forums here and my head has been abuzz with ideas for my game. And I really don't want to be a bother to everyone so this is the one other discussion I wanted to post about today. Im super new to the whole RPG maker scene and the thing I found...
  3. NissaAnimist

    Mascot Contest!

    All about the MV-Tan hype train!!!
  4. NissaAnimist

    Class Skills

    So last night I hit an unexpected wall... And that was when I was trying to come up with skills for all the classes in my up coming game. Now I wasn't 100% sure if I should come to you guys for some ideas but I thought it couldn't hurt to try since I have 8 classes that all mostly need 10...
  5. NissaAnimist

    Good morning, and good after noon

    Why do so many people wanna capture me ;-;
  6. NissaAnimist

    Ask for resources, or try to use whats given?

    And thats why I Love this community. It's kind like the MTG communtiy. Everyones really nice and shares all there resources for people who can't afford the good things, or if you're just a kind hearted soul like yourself you just do it cause you want to. I myself Love pixel art, and have...
  7. NissaAnimist

    Ask for resources, or try to use whats given?

    Yeah I don't much care for anything to fancy but I don't just wanna be one to use whats given then it just kinda seems dull. And the thing is Im not one to be all commercial and fancy, wanting to make moneys. I want to make a game thats free, that when someone says "Man I don't have the money...
  8. NissaAnimist

    Ask for resources, or try to use whats given?

    So for my next project I wasn't sure if I should try to ask for some graphics or try to use what was already in MV. Now I know I could go for a mix but I don't know if I'd like doing that. If someones gonna take the time to make me a few enemies or what have you, I don't want to just have it...
  9. NissaAnimist

    Unamed Idea

    @Maebius See this is the kinda thing I was looking for. This, I think, could be easily done into a multiple ending type deal. Have 5 Love items, still have to fight but in the end it changes its mind, have 10 Love items you end up talking your way out of the situation, have 20 or so items It...
  10. NissaAnimist

    I don't mean to bug you but the Prefix fix you did... Still hasn't shown up for me :( I don't...

    I don't mean to bug you but the Prefix fix you did... Still hasn't shown up for me :( I don't know if its because I have a saved post already in it but I thought I'd say something just in case it might be awhile before it works.
  11. NissaAnimist

    Unamed Idea

    Right? Every game from here on out needs an ugly villain that laughs at the hero and unfolds his plans before disappearing. Then the hero goes on a journey to find him/her
  12. NissaAnimist

    I need a prefix?

    @Xyphien well Im glad I wasn't being a duffus, thanks you guys :)
  13. NissaAnimist

    Unamed Idea

    OOOOH! That sounds really awesome, you keep doing these quest thinking that the world won't end but at the end it was all a lie and you fight to save the world ( SO ORIGINAL! haha)
  14. NissaAnimist

    More Badges?

    @Xyphien Well shucks, oh well. ideas are made to be not made sometimes haha
  15. NissaAnimist

    Unamed Idea

    @LTN Games That sounds really cool! I was gunna implament these beings from a card game called Magic: the gathering known as planeswalkers (under a diffrent name) they could be the people who tell the stories and then one comes to the hero and tells them that they are the ones to help...
  16. NissaAnimist

    I need a prefix?

    Oh no! bugs! lol well that's fine thank you for the help for now.
  17. NissaAnimist

    Unamed Idea

    So I'm working on a game (well story, item ideas, etc. first) and I have a story and I wanted to hear some feed back on it. If it sounded somewhat original. The main point of the story is that there is no main villain, no evil cult, no meteor coming to destroy the world. But that the main...
  18. NissaAnimist

    I need a prefix?

    So whilst trying to upload a game to the Completed games section. I couldn't cause it said I needed a prefix after I hit save. Being new here I feel like its something very obvious and that someone will tell me and I'll feel like a complete duffus :3 so thank you to said person for helping and...
  19. NissaAnimist

    More Badges?

    I know this will seem like a REEEEALLY stupid badge Idea because you're coming up with more badge ideas, also I didn't read everyones badge ideas so I hope I didn't steal someones idea :X But, being a PlayStation player I always thought the idea of the platinum trophy was really cool. Once you...
  20. NissaAnimist

    Good morning, and good after noon

    NOOOOO! Not only am I getting captured, there are also bad puns! D: Haha, I'm glad to be here on a fresh forum :3 I hope I can grow to become a big help to the community