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More Badges?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
For posting, something like 1, 25, 100, 250, 750, 1000 makes sense to me. 1337 could come next, lol. It's a weird balance. Too many badges makes them less special. Too few makes it frustrating
Yea that is something I thought about as well, it's not so often and still more than what there is.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'll add after milestones like 2500, 5000, etc. as someone comes up on it. Just to give them a sense of achievement for when it happens.
It's definitely something you could boast with. Like a platinum trophy in a PS3 game. :D

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
For posting, something like 1, 25, 100, 250, 750, 1000 makes sense to me. 1337 could come next, lol. It's a weird balance. Too many badges makes them less special. Too few makes it frustrating.

Edit @Xyphien: Honestly, I wouldn't add badges for posting past 1,000 unless it's for something fun like 1337.
Exactly :thumbsup:


I know this will seem like a REEEEALLY stupid badge Idea because you're
coming up with more badge ideas, also I didn't read everyones badge ideas
so I hope I didn't steal someones idea :X

But, being a PlayStation player I always thought the idea of the platinum trophy
was really cool. Once you got all the trophies you got an amazing trophy saying
you did everything you can possibly do in this game her you go.
So like a Platinum badge, or call it like the MV badge :D


Staff member
Resource Team
@Silber that's actually a great idea. Though we have staff badges, and stuff like that, so it'd be really hard for everyone to be able to get ALL the badges, as well as legacy badges (IE. Joining before october 23rd, Halloween, etc.) So, I'd love to incorporate that, but it'd be really hard too.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Maybe have a platinum badge for all category of badges. So when I recviece all resource badges I get the Platinum Resource Badge or something rather. Same goes with the wiki, and messages categories as well. It's a good idea but yes it will be difficult to implement.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What about a badge for followers. So say I get a badge for having 3 people follow me. So make the milsestones a bit larger like 5 - 10 - 20 - 50. You should not get a badge for following others because then someone will just go through member list and click follow on everyone lol.


Towns Guard
How about a badge if you post on an older (+3 weeks) post. Maybe call it "Necromancer", or something like that.

Other ideas:
1 - A badge for reporting errors on the forum (Foum's Little Helper)
2 - Badges for recieved tags by tier (Funny tag = 1. Jokester => 50. Funny Guy => 100. Comedy Star).
3 - A badge for someone who has at least a post in every Forum Category).
4 - A badge for using multiple organization tools on a post (Spoilers, Footnotes, H tags, quotes, etc).
5 - A badge for a good ratio between posts and tags after 100 posts (75% of the posts has been tagged).


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
How about a badge if you post on an older (+3 weeks) post. Maybe call it "Necromancer", or something like that.
Normally that's considered a bad thing. xD

I like most of these ideas, though. I think 1 and 2 are the most do-able, but I believe we (sort of) have a badge for the first one.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@cav_dan It's usually because the main discussion is over once a post dies down. Depending on the post's age, the author of it may have left the forums, or the discussion may no longer be relevant. :)

Neither of those things are always the case, but it happens often.


Staff member
Resource Team
Yeah, I actually never understood why. Sometimes it's nice to go back to an old post that nobody cared and give some love.
Our rule behind it is, it's not a bad thing if you add to the conversation. but what happens is a lot of people will make a pointless post, like "Awesome" "That's cool" etc. and bump up an extremely old post for no apparent reason, which is why it's frowned upon so much. People tend to do that more than add onto the conversation which is why it's mostly always a rule on forums.

A badge for reporting errors on the forum (Foum's Little Helper)
This is the only one I can currently add sadly. The rest do not fall under what is available for automated Medals, neither does the Little Helper one, but that one is easily manageable than the others currently.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
What about a badge for followers. So say I get a badge for having 3 people follow me. So make the milsestones a bit larger like 5 - 10 - 20 - 50. You should not get a badge for following others because then someone will just go through member list and click follow on everyone lol.
I remember having said somewhere else in the forum, why it would have been a bad thing. The intends aren't bad, but what the users might do, may end up being nocive such as harassment etc.