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  1. D

    What's your take on free vs paid RM resources?

    Note: This post doesn't talk about specific commissions for specific projects, but rather resources for general use. As the release date and price of MZ are announced, some upcoming MZ users are already thinking of making/using upcoming MZ resources, and free vs paid ones is an important...
  2. D

    Anyone here managed to never burn out on programming? My current limit is 3 months(6-8 hours per...

    Anyone here managed to never burn out on programming? My current limit is 3 months(6-8 hours per day, 7 days per week, 50 hour programming week on average), and then I just have to take a break, sometimes lasting few days(with at most 2 hours on programming per day). I've been always like this...
  3. D

    What are your experience on trying to boost a MV project on an Android 7+ phone to a constant 60...

    What are your experience on trying to boost a MV project on an Android 7+ phone to a constant 60 fps? It's very hard for me(mine is 720x1440 px with Octa-core 1.8 GHz Cortex-A53 and Adreno 506), especially with an ATB system plugin. The best minimum I can get is 30+ fps :)
  4. D

    Your experiences/thoughts on writing automated tests for plugins?

    Lately I've been trying to write some automated tests to reduce the chance of my plugins to have nontrivial bugs unnoticed. This helped me catch quite some issues that I'd have missed for a long time otherwise, especially when developing a advanced complex battle system plugin. Of course, I...
  5. D

    DoubleX RMMV Unit Filters

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Unit Filters - Lets you use plugin calls to use new unit filters in order to write much, much less codes to perform Read more about this resource...
  6. D

    RPG Maker DoubleX RMMV Unit Filters v1.00a

    Note This plugin's available for commercial use Introduction Games using this plugin None so far Plugin Calls Author Notes Prerequisites Terms Of Use Authors DoubleX Changelog
  7. D

    DoubleX RMMV Formulae Edit

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Formulae Edit - Lets users modify some hardcoded default RMMV formulae on the fly Read more about this resource... Updates v1.00b(GMT 1200 17-11-2015): 1. Fixed wrong number of arugments bug for lukEffectRate and makeEncounterCount 2...
  8. D

    DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys - Lets you bind hotkeys to skills for actors outside battles, and use them to select usable skills Read more about this resource...
  9. D

    RPG Maker DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys v1.00a

    Note This plugin's available for commercial use Purpose Lets you bind hotkeys to skills for actors outside battles, and use them to select usable skills for actors inside battles Introduction Videos Games using this plugin None so far Parameters Notetags Plugin Calls Plugin Commands...
  10. D

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Compatibility

    Updates v1.00d(GMT 1500 11-8-2016): 1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version Updates * v1.00e(GMT 1200 5-8-2017): * 1. Fixed the next action incorrectly highlighting all members in the * same party/troop...
  11. D

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core

    Updates Added PATB Patch(Cinnamon) Updates * v1.02d(GMT 1500 13-8-2017): * 1. Increased this plugin's extensibility, modularity and robustness Updates * v1.03a(GMT 1200 26-8-2017): * 1...
  12. D

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core(Test Ver) - To be an easy, simple and user-friendly, yet powerful atb system Read more about this resource... Updates v0.00c(GMT 1400 24-11-2015): 1. Fixed database falsely returning database not loaded on game start 2. Fixed...
  13. D

    Basic knowledge on using Javascript access modifiers and inheritance

    Disclaimer: This topic's to provide some extra choices for those needing/wanting some protections from being able to access anything from anywhere while still allowing inheritance. As sometimes it completely makes sense for keeping everything public, these choices are entirely optional. Using...
  14. D

    Using incentives to solve problems

    This topic aims to incite you to think about how incentive can be used to solve problems Let's begin by citing this video from Extra Credits: Now my focus will be on the cobra example(1:09 - 1:35). Wikipedia has an article named Cobra effect specifically about this. (On a side note: In this...
  15. D

    DoubleX RMMV Status Bars

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Status Bars - Lets you use bars to show battler statuses on their sprites Read more about this resource... Updates * v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017): * 1. Lets you set the status bars to show the...
  16. D

    RPG Maker DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v1.01a

    Games using this plugin None so far Parameters Notetag Plugin Calls Configurations Video v1.00a v1.01a+ Prerequisites Abilities: 1. Nothing special for most rudimetary use cases 2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for most ordinary uses 3. Some RMMV plugin development...
  17. D

    DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB SE

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB SE(Test Ver) - Lets users add SE to be played when battlers become able to act Read more about this resource... Updates v0.00b(GMT 0700 29-11-2015): 1. Increased this plugin's compactness and readability Updates Added this video...
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    DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Settings Compatibility

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Settings Compatibility - Fixes DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Settings compatibility issues Read more about this resource...
  19. D

    RPG Maker DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Settings Compatibility v1.00a

    Games using this plugin None so far Addressed Plugins Prerequisites Nothing special Terms Of Use Changelog
  20. D

    DoubleX RMMV Item Cooldown

    DoubleX submitted a new resource: DoubleX RMMV Item Cooldown - Lets you set skills/items causing users to cooldown after using Read more about this resource...