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  1. D

    Just uploaded a RMMV plugin video in youtube, and realized that RPG Maker MV is no longer in the...

    Just uploaded a RMMV plugin video in youtube, and realized that RPG Maker MV is no longer in the list of game names there lol
  2. D

    Is a plugin rewriting RMMZ codebase into ES6 standard a good idea?

    With RMMZ released for a while, it seems to me that there's not much demand on applying the ES6 standard to RMMZ, so I decided to drop this idea. However, those wanting to continue on this whole idea can freely take over my failed experiment :)
  3. D

    As I've written several easy, simple and small RMMZ plugins, I feel that I'm familiar with RMMZ...

    As I've written several easy, simple and small RMMZ plugins, I feel that I'm familiar with RMMZ plugin development. With the fact that I'm going to report duty for my full time job from tomorrow, I think I've to go back to finish my RMMV plugins, and I'd expect that to last several weeks or even...
  4. D

    DoubleX RMMV Superlative ATB v0.15a

    Note While this plugin's already fully functional, there are still many more modules to be implemented, so the feature set isn't complete yet. Purpose To be the most flexible, performant and powerful ATB system framework with the greatest amount of freedom while being user-friendly...
  5. D

    Just given a positive rating on Steam, even though my feeling on MZ's somehow mixed, and my...

    Just given a positive rating on Steam, even though my feeling on MZ's somehow mixed, and my positive just slightly wins over my negative(but I still believes that MZ will get better and better over time) :)
  6. D

    Tried to use ES6 Map to store some battler properties, and while it's nice by accepting anything...

    Tried to use ES6 Map to store some battler properties, and while it's nice by accepting anything as key(and MDN claims that ES6 Map's faster as well), those properties are all gone upon load, due to Map not being serializable upon save. Now I just feel dumb on one hand, and hope that I'll be the...
  7. D

    Testing The Idea On Revealing Some Original Codes From The Obfuscated Version

    Disclaimer: This post doesn't mean that I support the idea of releasing plugins with obfuscated implementation codes, and in fact I'm personally against it in most cases(but my feeling on this isn't the point of this post at all), it's just that there might be some really extreme and rare cases...
  8. D

    Just accepted a full time job offer after being jobless for so long :) But it'd also mean I...

    Just accepted a full time job offer after being jobless for so long :) But it'd also mean I won't have much time to work with MV or MZ :(
  9. D

    Will the Completed Resources add the RPG Maker MZ categories?

    I want to post my RPG Maker MZ plugins here, but right now it doesn't seem to have a place for me to do so, therefore I'd like to know if there is or will be a RPG Maker MZ resource section :)
  10. D

    Just checked the reactions to MZ on Steam and it seems to me that it's mixed in both...

    Just checked the reactions to MZ on Steam and it seems to me that it's mixed in both reviews(right now 98 reviews with 63% being positive) and discussions. On the other hand, MV got about 80% positive reviews upon launch(108 positive and 27 negative), and now MV is rated as very positive(91%...
  11. D

    Just checked the VisuStella MZ plugins again and there are already 22(or 23) or them, as if MZ's...

    Just checked the VisuStella MZ plugins again and there are already 22(or 23) or them, as if MZ's already released(so I don't know how they can be this effective/efficient). It seems to me that those guys are really burning their lives to let us use tons of plugins one day 1 :)
  12. D

    I've just checked the VisuStella Plugins for MZ and there are already 11 plugins. The Yanfly...

    I've just checked the VisuStella Plugins for MZ and there are already 11 plugins. The Yanfly team(perhaps a big one?) really works so effectively and efficiently that some MZ users can likely use tons of Yanfly plugins right after MZ's released (still 13 days from now). I wonder if any other...
  13. D

    I'm slightly disappointed that the MZ codebase still uses core.js, managers.js, objects.js...

    I'm slightly disappointed that the MZ codebase still uses core.js, managers.js, objects.js, scenes.js, sprites.js and windows.js instead of core/Bitmap.js, core/Graphics.js, managers/AudioManager.js, managers/DataManager.js, etc...
  14. D

    So far everything seems to be fine in the building I'm living, but the situation in my city's...

    So far everything seems to be fine in the building I'm living, but the situation in my city's currently still out of control, I hope staying at home can indeed protect myself :)
  15. D

    Is a plugin rewriting RMMZ codebase into ES6 standard a good idea?

    I think such a plugin has at least the following potential advantages: 1. Those avoiding direct prototyping like a plague can work with an ES6 version 2. Those not being familiar with ES5 don't have to learn this outdated approach, especially when it's just for writing RMMZ plugins 3. As this...
  16. D

    There's a confirmed case of Covid-19 who lives in the same building as mine, but fortunately...

    There's a confirmed case of Covid-19 who lives in the same building as mine, but fortunately I've been staying at home all the time for more than a week already, even though I might be ordered to enter a quarantine center any time soon...
  17. D

    [RPG Maker MZ]Using ES6 Class Inheritance With Extensions For Aliasing Without Direct Prototyping

    With ES6 classes, trying to extend the parent class in plugins can lead to its children still using the old parent codes. For instance, you can place this in a JavaScript sandbox and verify the console output yourselves: So normally, you'll still have to directly type prototypes: But I wanted...
  18. D

    Now I can just access pastebin again(I just have to login again), so maybe cloudflare had just...

    Now I can just access pastebin again(I just have to login again), so maybe cloudflare had just wrongly flagged pastebin as phishing?
  19. D

    Just tried to access my pastebin, then cloudflare said the pastebin website has been flagged as...

    Just tried to access my pastebin, then cloudflare said the pastebin website has been flagged as phishing, so I guess many of my plugin download links are broken...
  20. D

    State resistance based on number of turns or effect magnitude instead of chance

    In the default RMVXA and RMMV(I don't know if it's the same for the others as well), the state resistance's in the form of decreasing the chance to inflict a state, but without any other change if the state's still inflicted. I personally feel that it can be excessively and unnecessarily random...