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Search results

  1. JibstaMan

    [Scripting] On Mouse Touch

    I don't know much (read: anything) about the core just yet. I can imagine this functionality isn't in there anyway. You could maybe use onmousemove bound to the document? Apparently, I'm incapable of letting people figure things out for themselves with me just giving advice... so here's a JSFiddle.
  2. JibstaMan

    I am honestly just posting this to get rid of the notification.

    Wish you a lovely day as well! And welcome to the community. In case you haven't noticed yet, we're quite awesome!
  3. JibstaMan

    Bi-Weekly or Monthly Newsletters?

    I voted monthly. When there's so much going on that an extra email within the month is justified, go for it. I think an extra email during peaks of activity is better, compared to a bi-weekly newsletter with little (noteworthy) news most of the time. As it currently stand, I don't think there...
  4. JibstaMan


    Welcome to the community, great to have you! I'm also looking forward to everybody's games, including yours! The idea to make a game about how you and your fiance met is really cool! Very creative. I can only imagine the responses your friends had, let alone the facial expressions :D. It really...
  5. JibstaMan

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I've made an animation for a skill. It has turned out quite nice, although there's one thing I would change if the animation resources would have allowed it. Either way, it's one of my favorite animations going to be in my game, but this one is probably going to be unlocked very late in game...
  6. JibstaMan

    Had the exact same thought haha. There is the "Partner" title on his profile, which has a...

    Had the exact same thought haha. There is the "Partner" title on his profile, which has a similar color, so that's probably it.
  7. JibstaMan

    BBCode tables

    Yeah. I tried working with a transparent background, but since the font color changes drastically, that's just not doable. There's no telling what other themes will be available in the future, so you have to set colors for readability over compatibility with the themes. Also, it will probably...
  8. JibstaMan

    You probably haven't seen my lengthy new tutorial yet. I'm so sorry...

    You probably haven't seen my lengthy new tutorial yet. I'm so sorry...
  9. JibstaMan

    BBCode tables

    Thanks for looking into this, it's greatly appreciated. If the free options aren't working, I'd be willing to donate $10 bucks to show my support. I can only imagine the headache these things can bring when things don't work as advertised. I've just posted a regex tutorial in which I would have...
  10. JibstaMan

    Regular Expressions (in JavaScript)

    Basics Regular Expressions, aka regex and RegExp, are quite tough. I'm not an expert on the topic, but I have used regular expression for over a year now and I guess I can write something useful about them. In this tutorial, I've started with the "basics". If things go well, I might expand the...
  11. JibstaMan

    Planning my game, currently focused on the combat system, which might be completely broken due...

    Planning my game, currently focused on the combat system, which might be completely broken due to my strange wishes.
  12. JibstaMan

    Wiki Direction?

    What about documenting the JS shipped with MV by default? A wiki's power is to organize large amounts of information, having focused articles with links to everything that is mentioned (and categories to navigate similar pages). We could explain each object (or "class") individually, with links...
  13. JibstaMan

    2.5k member giveaway!

    Glad I could help hit the mark! Let's keep making the forums even more attractive to newcomers with our friendliness and hard work!
  14. JibstaMan

    Sock Quest!

    Does this mean you rewrite plugins other developers made? Or do you still use their code, just modified to fit within your game? How do you handle credits and licenses? I'm also curious whether you script things that replace events. I mean, using events, you can do a lot, but when you script...
  15. JibstaMan

    BBCode tables

    Tables can be hard indeed. Long ago, I even made a program that would generate tables for you, to remove much of the hassle :D. The table I've made is easy enough, with two columns. However, using Excel removes the site styling, so I'd prefer the hassle of building the table in BBCodes for...
  16. JibstaMan

    BBCode tables

    I could use some help creating tables for on the forum. I've tried everything I can. This is what I think it should look like: I've tried it with the tags upper-cased and without enters and spaced between the tags. When I've done that, no code is visible...
  17. JibstaMan

    Enthusiast, perfectionist, scripter and unofficial writer:

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I feel right at home. Although I did notice this box... see my profile :P
  18. JibstaMan

    Free Javascript Editors

    @eivl mentioned Brackets, but it's not yet on the list. It's free and quite nice. Personally, I have a paid copy of WebStorm, so...
  19. JibstaMan

    Admins Engagements?

    Sometimes, the sense of duty might become problematic and makes you do what you think you must do. If you enjoy engaging with the community, please allow yourself to do so! If you are really excited about this new feature you're working on, feel free to work on it behind the scenes. The rest has...
  20. JibstaMan

    [Scripting] Regular Expressions

    So you need the width of the message codes? Might I give a suggestion: Window_Pop.prototype.adjustStringWidth=function(string){ var widthWithCodes = string.length; var decoded = string.replace(regex, ''); return widthWithCodes - decoded.length; }; Not sure this is useful, but figured...