We're going to be starting up a newsletter for those of you who have email notifications on your profile. This way you will never miss an event/content/etc. going on, as well as to give you the latest and best resources we're currently offering. My question to you all would be, would you like this Bi-Weekly (2 times a month) or Monthly (Once a month)?
This poll will be up for exactly 7 days after this post. After which, we will re-ask the same question in a few months to see if you all would like to keep it as is, or change it to the other. This way if we become more active and you choose Monthly, you have a chance to see how you like Bi-Monthly, as well as if we're not as active, and we don't have too much content to give out Bi-Monthly you can change it to Monthly :)
This poll will be up for exactly 7 days after this post. After which, we will re-ask the same question in a few months to see if you all would like to keep it as is, or change it to the other. This way if we become more active and you choose Monthly, you have a chance to see how you like Bi-Monthly, as well as if we're not as active, and we don't have too much content to give out Bi-Monthly you can change it to Monthly :)