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Search results

  1. Starbird

    Need Help with Starbird - system icon, paid but not get!.

    Something is definitely screwy with the forum. I replied to this just a minute ago and my reply isn't showing up. Please send an email to and I'll get that icon set over to you immediately. I also think I need to issue you a refund since the sale has come in twice...
  2. Starbird

    Starbird - Sci-Fi / Future IconSet - 158 ICONS

    Hi Jade! Please send an email to and I'll get that icon set over to you along with a bonus for the hassle. My guess is that you're paying by e-check, which causes a delay in download access until the e-check clears. But it could be something else, so I'll look into...
  3. Starbird

    ES6 scene template

    you guys are rockstars!
  4. Starbird

    this project looks absolutely amazing. wish i were more experienced with JS so i could help...

    this project looks absolutely amazing. wish i were more experienced with JS so i could help. this might finally force me to practice more on the coding end : )
  5. Starbird

    Starbird Premium Tileset Collection

    I used to have lightly watermarked previews but found that my work was stolen, watermark removed, and posted to other sites without my permission. As a result I decided to heavily watermark the images. If there's any specific tileset you would like to see in better detail, please PM me and I'll...
  6. Starbird

    hey Rampage! welcome to the forum!

    hey Rampage! welcome to the forum!
  7. Starbird

    Bought tileset, but nothing shows up in "Your purchases"

    Hey Daily, I'm looking into it now. Can you please send an email to I'm not seeing any purchase from you in my purchase history. Please let me know if you're still having trouble. We can definitely get this sorted out : )
  8. Starbird

    New character sheets for vehicles?

    hey AB, i have a vehicle tileset (i know you're look for a char sheet) that i *might* be able to convert over... it's sized for a tileset though. the default vehicle char sheet is sized so that the char and the vehicle are the same size. is that what you want or do you want more realistic...
  9. Starbird

    hello and welcome!

    hello and welcome!
  10. Starbird

    Yes, that's correct. Any tileset marked * needs to be used in RPG Maker MV. all other tilesets...

    Yes, that's correct. Any tileset marked * needs to be used in RPG Maker MV. all other tilesets can be used in any game design system or engine
  11. Starbird

    in what area?

    in what area?
  12. Starbird

    Starbird Premium Tileset Collection

    Starbird updated Starbird Premium Tileset Collection with a new update entry: Premium Tileset Collection Updated: New Tilesets and Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird Premium Tileset Collection - Premium Tileset Collection Updated: New Tilesets and Fixes

    V 3.0 now with Jungle, Modern Cars and Valentine's Day tilesets. Fixes: 1. Aeroships-2 was a 256 color PNG with no alpha transparency. This error was fixed. 2. Minor tile positioning problem in Interiors was fixed. If you purchased this resource and are unable to download this update, please...
  14. Starbird


  15. Starbird

    Please take care of me. <3

    Welcome Taylor! We're very glad to have you here :) Make sure to follow MV-Tan for updates on forum contests and activities. It's a really welcoming, friendly community so if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out and ask!
  16. Starbird

    okay, so you take the .png file for the tileset and you put it in your...

    okay, so you take the .png file for the tileset and you put it in your C:\...Game_Folder\img\tilesets folder. then you go into your game and go to database\tilesets and a load the tileset you want into that tab you want (B/C/D or whatever). sometimes the program doesn't recognize the new file...
  17. Starbird

    Starbird - Jungle Tileset

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Starbird - Jungle Tileset - tiles for jungle, rain forest, tropical island, or similar map Read more about this resource...
  18. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird - Jungle Tileset 2018-02-07

    JUNGLE This tileset is meant to expand your options for creating jungle, rain forest, or tropical island maps. TERMS OF USE: ● With purchase, you may use this tileset in any project, commercial or non-commercial, provided that Starbird Resources is credited. KADOKAWA's license restrictions DO...
  19. Starbird


    welcome Trabelo! we're glad to have you! make sure you follow MV-Tan for updates on forum contests & other activities. they do giveaways and stuff, which is pretty cool. don't be afraid to reach out to anyone here with questions you might have! it's a really helpful community : )
  20. Starbird

    Jungle tileset incoming...

    Jungle tileset incoming...