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Search results

  1. Azdak

    Type One Demo July 2018 Space Update

    Is it a big demo? I would try it but 1.61 GB is a bit much.
  2. Azdak

    From Myth to Legend

    Looking good! I'm not sure I can help with a title though, I am sure you will think of something though :) I liked the screen shots!
  3. Azdak


    RPG Maker on ps1, now that was a different time... Good luck to you, you will find this much more easy and quicker to use :D
  4. Azdak


    'Tis a valiant quest! Good luck on your journey, RPG maker can be a cruel but kind mistress...
  5. Azdak

    Introducing Me !

  6. Azdak

    Hi There !

    Pickle Rick in the house!!!
  7. Azdak

    Hello Fellow Gamer Kin

    Hello :D What do you study at college? I hope you find this place as useful and as friendly as I have found it.
  8. Azdak

    From Myth to Legend

    The Adventures Of Toby! I'm not sure what a good name would be with out knowing more. You talked about the quests that He/She can start on, you talk about the mayor who wants his daughter found, and about a woman who is in fear of an attack, but what about your protagonist? (Your main...
  9. Azdak

    Just saying hi

    Hello there! Good luck to you as well and have fun! :D
  10. Azdak

    I'm New Here

    I also do not know of this "hugbox forums" so I couldn't possibly comment on it. I have been around here for quite a while now and I can honestly say this website is filled with genuinely friendly, helpful and very generous people! I don't think I have ever come across anything I would consider...
  11. Azdak


    Hello Lebbon! There are lots of friendly people to meet and lots of cool treasure to download! May your journey be fruitful. :D
  12. Azdak


    I am making a bit of a Space Game my self, what were your influences? Mine was Phantasy star on the Master System and Mega-Drive and a 3DO Game called star control 2.
  13. Azdak

    Hello World

    No problem dude, tutorial's on YouTube are great! Be it for RPG maker, learning the guitar or hammock weaving! This is an incredibly friendly place and if you have any problems or idea's that you are not sure how to do, then just ask around. There are so many genuinely nice people on here that...
  14. Azdak


    You look old :) Hello.
  15. Azdak

    Untitled Project

    Hi there! Sounds like you have a lot of mad skills! If you ever make a little demo of the game I sure would like to try it out :)
  16. Azdak


    Hi there! I hope you find this place interesting, I have found so many cool resources here and the people here are extremely helpful and very nice indeed! So if you ever do need any help, or are stuck on something just ask around, you will be sure to get a response :) I wish I could help you...
  17. Azdak

    Hello world, it's Minty!

    MLP game? As in my liitle pony? A jumpscare game with cute ponies sounds very interesting and very different, the juxtaposition of the two might work extremely well! I would defiantly download and try that game!
  18. Azdak


    Greetings, from Earth?
  19. Azdak

