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  1. Azdak

    Over 5000 Hours on RPG Maker and I have nearly finished my first act :D

    Over 5000 Hours on RPG Maker and I have nearly finished my first act :D
  2. Azdak


    Hello :)
  3. Azdak

    Hey all

    Hello :) Well if you have any question's or need help with anything, just ask. People here are super helpful! Have you started to make your game yet?
  4. Azdak


    If you have any questions just ask, people are incredibly nice and supportive on here. :D Good luck with your project. Have you started a game yet?
  5. Azdak

    What would you say is acceptable language to use in RPG Maker?

    If you are easily offended, please do not read. I am currently doing a lot of writing in RPG Maker and there are times when you get into hostile confrontations. Now I do not want to swear in the game, I do not want any F-Bombs or anything but iv got a few words that I'm not sure if people...
  6. Azdak

    Let's make a game! Anyone welcome!

    I did see your other post and it did seem a bit big (but I didn't want to discorage you) and there is certainly nothing wrong with thinking big! (For example; the amount of conditional branchs you would need for 20 datable characters would be a huge undertaking, and you might get a bit board...
  7. Azdak

    Artist Unknown

    I'm sorry, that is a shame to hear. :( But well done to the wife!!! She must have like, +10 perception or something! :D
  8. Azdak

    Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks

    Cool! I will be sure to check them out :D
  9. Azdak

    Artist Unknown

    Ha-ha good luck to you... I can only think of two things to do and I'm not sure I should say on here, but... Option 1. Use them. You tried to find them and could not, so maybe the chances of you getting a copyright strike for using them is incredibly low if no one can find them. (they are not...
  10. Azdak

    Artist Unknown

    No idea, sorry, I tried a reverse google search and the only thing I found like them was something like this... That is from this website. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  11. Azdak

    Guess I didn't?

    Ha-ha. ain't that the truth. Things always seem to take longer then you think in RPG Maker :D My tip is, make your self a nice cup of tea :)
  12. Azdak

    Dance of Steel & Bone - An RPG/Shmup/Beat-Em-Up Hybrid

    Looks like quite a lot of fun. I like the idea of picking my own skills in battle when I leaved up the ice skill, that is very "cool"! Also loved your mini shooting game after the ninja fight; it's very fun and makes a n-"ice" change, very good! :D I will look forward to seeing more from you :)
  13. Azdak

    Guess I didn't?

    Hello there, how is the game going?
  14. Azdak

    Guess I'm going to say hello :P

    Hi, I'm also working on a Sci-Fi game, if you need any help or advise just ask :) Good luck and hope to hear more from you :D
  15. Azdak

    Hi, this was pointless. But Hi

    I see your point...
  16. Azdak

    Robot 1 character, face, battler

    Haha I've only just seen your little signs with the faces and finger :D Its all great mate! It really is, the more I look at it the more I see! I love the side ways computers thanks man!!! You are the best! And the draws on the table open??? OMG dude that is so awesome! AWESOME DUDE... JUST...
  17. Azdak

    Moderator Promotions!

  18. Azdak

    Free tarot readings! (Ask me anything)

    Ok, my question is... What is your favourite colour? :)
  19. Azdak

    What is Missing in RPGs?

    When you say the first RPG you played was Dungeons and Dragons, was that the Sega Mega Drive version, or something like Hero quest on Amiga? The thing I find missing from most RPG's especial JRPG'S is choice. One of the best RPG's I ever played was the PC Game Arcanum. (It came out at about the...
  20. Azdak


    Hello :D