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  1. SonarCero

    AMA! This looks fun.

    Sorry for not being as active, I want to get active again so maybe this can help.
  2. SonarCero

    I don't know what it's been, though I've had a hard time getting to work on my game lately...

    I don't know what it's been, though I've had a hard time getting to work on my game lately. Maybe it's lack of energy... TO THE COFFEE MAKER
  3. SonarCero

    Hey hey hey it's Valentines Day/Singles Awareness Day, whichever you celebrate make it great. <3

    Hey hey hey it's Valentines Day/Singles Awareness Day, whichever you celebrate make it great. <3
  4. SonarCero

    Layering enemies/Enemy summon call script

    Found a solution, I wound up resizing the graphic that has just the hands on it to fit into the screen, expanded the base out, then resized to fit along side with the magician. The issue was since the hands were on a smaller image file, and placed up in the air, the program was thinking that the...
  5. SonarCero

    Layering enemies/Enemy summon call script

    Hey people, I need a hand with something. So in the current part of Project A I am working on one of the main bosses. I have a magician though I'm trying to make him have floating hands. The floating part works just fine, though when they're on the map, they go behind the sleeves for the...
  6. SonarCero

    Curiosity Salted the Snail

    "Inquisitive as to if others here are caffeine or café au lait? Cero appears to be inclined to consume caffeinated substance such as coffee, or energy shots."
  7. SonarCero

    The first step is often times the most important, welcome to the crew.

    The first step is often times the most important, welcome to the crew.
  8. SonarCero

    It appears that I have transverses the rift without a scratch, but with a talking revolver and a...

    It appears that I have transverses the rift without a scratch, but with a talking revolver and a windup key.
  9. SonarCero

    Decisions decisions

    So there are some undying questions that come along with making games and whatnot, though I have a question, and that is, how do you decide on whether to use sideview battlers or not? And what are the reasons that divide the sea of pros and cons for you? I'm falling into a pit with the...
  10. SonarCero

    Happy New Year to everyone!

    Happy New Year to everyone!
  11. SonarCero

    Get better soon Xyphien.

    Get better soon Xyphien.
  12. SonarCero

    Happy Holidays everyone. :D

    Happy Holidays everyone. :D
  13. SonarCero

    Sorry for not posting anything for a while, I've been busy as crap, screenshots coming soon.

    Sorry for not posting anything for a while, I've been busy as crap, screenshots coming soon.
  14. SonarCero

    More coffee... Need more coffee. So tired, but coffee. With enough of it, anything is possible.

    More coffee... Need more coffee. So tired, but coffee. With enough of it, anything is possible.
  15. SonarCero

    Unofficial Kid generator fix

    Thanks for making a fix @Tuomo L , that bug is creepy. (perplexed)
  16. SonarCero

    Welcome! You are among friends here.

    Welcome! You are among friends here.
  17. SonarCero

    That's okay @[7252:@PikaPikaGamer] I didn't like it for a long time. Then when the grand age of...

    That's okay @[7252:@PikaPikaGamer] I didn't like it for a long time. Then when the grand age of 21 hit. coffeecoffeecoffee or tea...
  18. SonarCero

    ... Need more coffee...

    ... Need more coffee...
  19. SonarCero

    Wow man, how are you holding up?

    Wow man, how are you holding up?
  20. SonarCero

    (VILLAGE) - Sunny Village

    Hey there UnproPro, I really like the simplistic feel of this piece and it sounds fantastic. Hope to hear more from you soon.