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  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    Oh god Undertale avatar. xD Very nice!

    Oh god Undertale avatar. xD Very nice!
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    Script / Plugin Requests

    This is a very helpful and noted post. Not just for me but for everyone. Thank you! *u*
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    Do You Have A Story Ready?

    Modus Operandi: Just My Luck: [Comedy] Perception: [Action] Perception and Just My Luck will be worked on back-to-back for me to get used to RMMV's ways and when I think I am fully done understanding the system AND specific scripts /...
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    Please Any one upload JavaScript Exam?

    Are you asking for someone to show you an example of how to use Javascript or are you asking if you can display an image and text using Javascript?
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    Mod Campaign Has Begun!!

    All participants have answered my questions on leadership, responsibility, management and accountability. My mind is made up. Standing by for voting sequence to commence. zZz
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    Free Javascript Editors Is as close as it gets for being a real-time editor for JS. Same person who made the real time HTML editor that I use to create websites For the JS real time, you code and hit execute and it will display it for you.
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    Hello everybody, SockGearEntertainment here!
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    What would be the opposite of StatusGear? What if the only way to stop the villain was by finding the holy sock stuck in the laundry? (Like the sword stuck in the stone)
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    Sock Quest Theme Song (99 Problems) - Parody Remix By Cloud Knight

    Yes. I did play the actual song and read off on these lyrics. 8D Why don't we have sock emojis?
  10. Status Gear Entertainment

    Script / Plugin Requests

    I do. They have it for RMXP. They have a script which has both the 8 way directional movement and the pixel by pixel movement are combined. Very flexible script too. With permission I'd like you guys an example of the RMXP version. @Kraven Added! ^u^
  11. Status Gear Entertainment

    Script / Plugin Requests

    Edit: Remember that some of these requests were requested prior to the software launch. If you see a script that exists that's in the request, please be sure to let us know right away! ^_^ Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment here. Not sure if this is the correct topic to put this in here...
  12. Status Gear Entertainment

    PreOrdered MV is pretty awesome!

    PreOrdered MV is pretty awesome!
  13. Status Gear Entertainment

    Downloading MV as we speak.

    Downloading MV as we speak.
  14. Status Gear Entertainment

    I think I have an idea on who I want to vote for this mod campaign! Let's see how this goes...

    I think I have an idea on who I want to vote for this mod campaign! Let's see how this goes! Good luck to you contestants!
  15. Status Gear Entertainment

    Monkey fo' Mod 2015!

    Being a moderator requires leadership. Leadership like leading others to do things, such as to follow the rules for example, is something a moderator does. Moderators also view, think and make decisions for others like a leader does. These questions are basic questions that are commonly the...
  16. Status Gear Entertainment

    How to do random events, some of which aren't encounters.

    This I can help you with since, those who are familiar with my Modus Operandi game that'll be created in RMMV, will consists of random events that will always be different each time you play the game. Assuming MV may use a different set up than the other RPG Maker versions, I won't explain it...
  17. Status Gear Entertainment

    Is it possible to have more than 4 party members for MV?

    Keep in mind that MV runs on Javascript now so the odds of a script being made for it are more than likely now.
  18. Status Gear Entertainment

    Speaking Japanese Test

  19. Status Gear Entertainment


    This seems rather promising. I think I'll try it out on some of my future games for sure. :)