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Search results

  1. Status Gear Entertainment

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    Thank you! If you guys ever want more, i'd be happy to create more! I love making things and it honestly takes about 10 minutes tops to make one. Really enjoy them. Hope we can be good friends! Plenty more to come at no cost except some toast and coffee would be a bit nice...
  2. Status Gear Entertainment

    [RMMV] Modus Operandi

    Name Modus Operandi Created By Status Gear Entertainment Genre(s) [Action] [Roleplay] [Sandbox] [Graphic Adventure] [Interactive Drama] Rating 12+ Version INDEV 0.0.1 (18.OCT.2015) About More Soon To Come!! Very Respectfully, StatusGearEntertainment
  3. Status Gear Entertainment

    Mascot Contest!

    He may be fluffy but he can take down even the most dastardly evil doers! Like the mailman!
  4. Status Gear Entertainment

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    Thanks for this, my weakness is JS and JQuery. XI
  5. Status Gear Entertainment

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    Thank you very much! Much appreciated! 8D Also read the rule just now on small wording posts oh man i'm already living life on the edge. XD
  6. Status Gear Entertainment

    Mascot Contest!

    I have this old mascot concept that I know I won't use from one of my websites Aetheria: Limitess World. (Currently WIP)
  7. Status Gear Entertainment

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    *Sips coffee and breathes heavily out the window*
  8. Status Gear Entertainment

    Where'd you hear about us?

    I simply heard not of you but looked you up. Hoping there will be a community on standby to get together with to get some projects ready. My 1 true goal as far as RMMV development goes is to seek out the answer (or legitimately pay someone) to recreate a much more flexible and consistent version...
  9. Status Gear Entertainment

    Status Gear Entertainment Presents SGE

    EDIT: Just read the rules! Whoopsie! Unlinked the name of SGE below guess, you'll have to look at the link on my profile. Much apologies. Hello everyone! I'll be the representative for my site called Status Gear Enterainment where we pretty much promote future projects to get together and just...
  10. Status Gear Entertainment


    I'll give it a shot real quick. Need to brush up on my basic photoshop knowledge again.