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Search results

  1. MinisterJay

    Re-order, re-name categories for clarification

    @Xilefian , I am carefully looking over the different modifications you have suggested. I will answer most suggestions. For some of the them, the answer may be doing the suggestion, and then notifying you here, that that task has been achieved. Once the decisions have been made, it will not...
  2. MinisterJay

    Voting has begun!

    Voting has begun!
  3. MinisterJay

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    My background is white, so I did not realize that some have the dark theme, and could not see all of the words. I changed the font color, so I hope that helped out. The 7 days voting window has begun. Remember to read all WIPs, and play those that have demos. Choose your vote carefully, as...
  4. MinisterJay

    RPG Concept: Of Monsters, Men, and those in between.

    This looks more like a Project Under Development than a Theory and Development thread, so I am moving it there so it can get the attention it deserves.
  5. MinisterJay

    Hello from the other side, i tried to dev a thousand time

    Sometimes another set of eyes can see what we are to close to see. You will get constructive criticism. That helps tone the skills, and may also give you more ideas to implement.
  6. MinisterJay

    Screenshot Critique

    @Tuomo L When I am making my custom maps, I have 48X48 grids showing, so I can make the paths navigable. I am also using zoning, so the player can only see in the room or line of sight in pathways. A lot of those walls do need some minor tunneling. Some of those pointy wall sections would...
  7. MinisterJay

    Voting starts tomorrow for our First Game WIP Contest...

    Voting starts tomorrow for our First Game WIP Contest.
  8. MinisterJay

    This question could have been addressed in the plugin's thread, where all can see it, at future...

    This question could have been addressed in the plugin's thread, where all can see it, at future dates OR in a PM. Profile posts are public for all to see.
  9. MinisterJay

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    If you can check in even once or twice a week, you will see the latest contest in the notices on the top banner.
  10. MinisterJay

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    Unfortunately the entry deadline was almost seven hours ago. This contest has been advertised for a week. Do not worry though, we will have more contests like this in the near future.
  11. MinisterJay

    Screenshot Critique

    Thanks for that observation. I was attempting to give it the imperfect tunneling look. I was even thinking of possible changing the rooms and tunnels to a more circular/oval look. there was even a thought of making the character and enemies have a Ball Person/Ball World. I have a couple...
  12. MinisterJay

    Paid - Skill Tree Creation

    Many times I am the question asker, that way more information is available to people of different skillsets. Your answer is what I thought it was, but I wanted to make sure. :)
  13. MinisterJay

    Paid - Skill Tree Creation

    To clarify what you are looking, when a character has Sword Mastery of 5/10, and desire to become Big Ole Hurty Slash, they still can progress with the Sword Mastery. If someone could due this with a simple Common Event would you be interested in that?
  14. MinisterJay

    Paid Character Generator Pieces

    You are welcome. I appreciate your apology, but it is not needed. It is a privilege for our community's staff to serve you and all members.
  15. MinisterJay

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    ___________________________________________________ There is now less than a day, about 23 hours. left to enter your Game WIP into the contest. I have a dozen games on and some elemental images. I have not have any problems yet. One can have Windows, iOS, and Browser options for...
  16. MinisterJay

    Paid Character Generator Pieces

    Moved to Resource Request, which will give it the attention it deserves.
  17. MinisterJay

    Screenshot Critique

    Thanks for the constructive criticism. Is it mainly the tunnel walls? I will also attempt to not have as many 90 degree turns nor straight paths. It is indeed a challenge to work with squared 48X48 images, and make it move in on-square/non-rectangular environments. Using the 'Tru 2d' concept...
  18. MinisterJay

    Game WIP Contest: A little over four hours left to enter...

    Game WIP Contest: A little over four hours left to enter.
  19. MinisterJay


    Hi Agus RIfai, and welcome to the community. We do have some Indonesian members. Looking forward to seeing you around.
  20. MinisterJay

    Hi, everyone.

    Hi Roby. There are over 1200 resources to choose from, so you may just find what you are looking for. Welcome to the community.