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RPG Concept: Of Monsters, Men, and those in between.


Alright, so in my deliberations of the freeform game I've mentioned in a prior post, concerning the SPECIAL system derived from Fallout, I've come to a rough skeleton of a general story idea. This idea is derived as perhaps a direct protest to the norm, where heroes are pre-ordained by some deity and villains were evil from the start and little more than that. Where people are designated SPECIAL by how they were born or so when in truth what realistically makes is SPECIAL lies in what we do. So let's summarize.

Antagonist Summary:
I'll start with the antagonist, as such a thing is what defines the conflict of such stories. Your typical Evil Lord seeking to take over the world and stuff. But not for the usual reasons. I'll call him Aurelius for now. Now, Aurelius isn't pre-ordained as an evil god, raised among monsters, etc or any of that. He's just a man; a man with a vision. A man who's been around for a while and, in his own sense of observation, derived his own view of the world. This view comprises of the idea that those who run the world- namely the monarchs in such a medieval fantasy setting- are corrupted beyond belief in spite of their prospering kingdoms, and unable to rule the way he thinks they should. Sounds like a usurper, yes?

Religion Summary:
The religion of this given fantasy world runs on the basis of: "The more the worshipers, the greater the god", where there is no definite good or evil deity in the world but a larger number of deities of varying levels from virtue to vice and in between. On the concept that, the more people to believe in a given deity or possess a certain mental charactistic, the more powerful the deity is. So if an abundance of people run in a populous government-run area worship a light deity, or perhaps in this case some emperor perceived as all-powerful, then said emperor would become mighty and imbued with spiritual power as such. Basically, the faith and worship of people has some form of material value that, in abundance, contributes to the creation of a deity when enough of it is mustered.

Disclaimer: Out of a great respect for religion, I state that this is not my personal belief but rooted out of a concept from Hyrule; Total War whereas the Evil God Majora became more powerful with the more worshipers he gathered. Therefore all implications of the possibility of this theorem being true are refuted.

The Idea:
So we have it established that we have a man who's disgruntled with the way the world works, and what he sees as corruption in this all-powerful emperor who may or may not have been a man to start with. Either a man normally, or a manifestation of the people's faith having been arisen to lead them like some god-king. He views this god-king as corrupt, despite how he is like the light god, and thus seeks to overthrow him. This is done by a WIP set of tasks that may not be divulged at the present time to save on the surprise, but it may be established that he is either a high-ranking knight in this God-King's employ or a former Knight having been kicked out for reasons not stated.

Your role:
This is where you come in. It's sketchy, but possible that you as the player begin under this man's employ where he starts right from the top at indoctrinating you on how there is no true god in this world, and only that the powerful become even more powerful and the weak become weaker before going extinct. He tells you that these deities that arisen are wild and unpredictable and not worthy of the worship of men, despite how virtually every single human in existence of the world worships at least one deity. These deities may exist as naturally-occurring wild creatures that may or may not imbue their worshipers with power, or as fully-sentient entities like teh god-king. Most likely, the more powerful deities will be sentient while that of cults will be the wild ones.

But I digress; your role, as the supposed hero of the story, is to choose your path. You can decide whether it would be worth it to believe in your master and follow him, obeying and doing all he asks of you, to watch as teh world unfurls before you. You'll likely take on a great range of roles in doing so, as you will likewise do even if you decide to go against him and pick your own path. Then you can decide whether you want to help the god-king stop this threat to his throne, or maybe even join a cult and help that god rise to power. Maybe; I wouldn't count on it, but it's possible.

No matter what path you take, serving one deity or another or no deity, by the end of the game you will come to a climatic confrontation with Aurelius who will by then likely have manifested as a Dark God; probably called Dark Sun for the grim truths and dark realities he tends to spew forth and poison minds. He who seeks to create a dystopian world where there are no gods but him, and where monsters and men collide into one without this ever-going conflict.

Concerning Monsters:
Yes, one other thing before I close. A sub-objective of Aurelius is to combine man and monster, thus the name of this thread that I haven't properly embellished on. Monsters, as he believes, are the only things in the world that bear any actual power with or without the worship of men. He covets such power, likely becoming a lord of both man and monsters while going up against the established light and dark deities. His work will be done when all other deities are dead and he may ascend to absolute god-hood as the new god-emperor and a leader of both men and monsters and all in between. For his forces compose of both, and likely a fearsome combination as well.

The reality:
And there you have it. Now I normally wouldn't be able to conjure up such an idea in such a short time, but this is due to the fanfiction I've been planning for some time now. Said fanfiction actually goes to the Pokemon Universe where Pokemon are basically in the place of Monsters- so he's coveting the power of Pokemon and hating the Legends which are like the deities of the world. Of course I don't have the resources to make a Pokemon game and could probably get into trouble with Nintendo for that; so I converted the whole thing into general fantasy. And now you can see where you, the player, have such an integral role in it.

But you know what really makes you special? Not because you're born great, anointed by some deity as a chosen one. (Even if that could happen, it's not the base of the plot or your power.) It's simply because you have the will to fight and the talent to succeed. Your fate's in your hands, ultimately, as to whether to be the hero or the villain, Man or Monster- or somewhere in between.


Staff member
This looks more like a Project Under Development than a Theory and Development thread, so I am moving it there so it can get the attention it deserves.