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  1. MinisterJay

    I am working on a game that has all images based on squares. :)

    I am working on a game that has all images based on squares. :)
  2. MinisterJay

    Here to make games and chew bubblegum..

    Hi Anonamix. Looking forward to reading about your project. I forgot that had already seen your project. :)Welcome to the community.
  3. MinisterJay

    Hello everyone,P here!

    Hi onefatpigkek, and welcome to the community. What genre do you like to play?
  4. MinisterJay

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    This morning I finished a few more things on my to do list. Through common events and parallax events, I limited how much food that Tun can carry. I also configured the [E] key for Tun to eat food, which he has to do a lot of. To start the day, I made a forest maze for my game SKWAYR, where...
  5. MinisterJay

    hi i'm new here

    Hi moredorn. My advice is jump right in and start experimenting. Make those mistakes and learn from them. If you get stumped, then come hear and ask questions in MV Support. Welcome to the community.
  6. MinisterJay

    ShinGamix enters the arena...

    Hi ShinGamix. As you know, one of the benefits of having multiple RPG Maker engines, you have access to mix and match different RTPs. Welcome to the community.
  7. MinisterJay


    Hi Daniel, and welcome to the community. Looking forward to see some of your works.
  8. MinisterJay

    Hello I like to make some friends and some ideas

    Hi blackcatninja. Welcome to the community. Thanks for a very friendly introduction.
  9. MinisterJay

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    @Kaimen When I saw the new posts feed show that there was a new audio resource, I had a gut feeling that it may be your submission. Yes it complies. The way you have it set up is practically a near perfect guideline for others to use. You explained how to download, and you explain...
  10. MinisterJay

    Iconic Battler Contest

    We now have three contestants, with one submission.
  11. MinisterJay

    Found some plugins for some cool stuff~

    All 68 of his plugins are found HERE in RPG Maker MV Resources and Forum. No need to go off site. Over 1/5th of our 320 plugins were made by Mr. Trivel.
  12. MinisterJay

    Who else finds that working with simpler images is often harder than working with the complex?

    Who else finds that working with simpler images is often harder than working with the complex?
  13. MinisterJay


    There are currently two contests that are active. One is for image artist, and the other is for music composers.
  14. MinisterJay

    How to modify hit/accuracy

    We are not done yet. I have not answered your question, in a way that you desired. Others may also have better ideas. Don't give up. :)
  15. MinisterJay

    How to modify hit/accuracy

    Attacks are based on a formula, a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2 . If you reduce the targets ATK it will cause less or no damage. I created a spell called Weakness, and reduced the targets ATK by 50%. Here is a screenshot.
  16. MinisterJay

    How to modify hit/accuracy

    Do you wish to modify the damage calculation formula when the spell is cast? You could make the spell have the intended receiver to get a STATE that increases their ATT.
  17. MinisterJay

    Iconic Battler Contest

    Good eyes. Friday is indeed the 2nd. Somehow my mind flipped the 2 image into a 5. Thanks for catching it.
  18. MinisterJay

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    Rule 7 added to clarify what resource file format is needed. RMMV uses .ogg audio files when deployed. It uses.M4A during game design, but that one is not necessary for this contest.
  19. MinisterJay

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    I added Rule 6 to address this. Composers maintain full ownership rights, whereas, RPG Maker MV Resources and Forum maintains the rights to use the submissions that place in future resource packages. Most resource contests occur in this manner.
  20. MinisterJay

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    If it places, it must be downloadable, so we can use it in a package. If it becomes our official battle theme, it will be available for all. An item that is not usable by members, in a resource category, is not a resource.