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  1. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    RPGcrafter07 updated Blackened Souls (Demo) with a new update entry: Blackened Souls (Demo) Version 1.01 Read the rest of this update entry... maybe you're right, but I just released an update. Had to fix the things you pointed out, just couldn't find nothing wrong with the transfer of...
  2. RPGcrafter07

    RPG Maker Blackened Souls (Demo) - Blackened Souls (Demo) Version 1.01

    This is pretty much the same Demo, I just fixed a few things. I fixed grammar errors, and also balanced out the battle system better. If you find anything wrong, please let me know so I can fix it. I work daily on this and I'm making good progress, in a few months I should have a complete game...
  3. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    Here's the link to my updated version :) hope you all enjoy, send me feedback plz.
  4. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    nope but thanks I will def look into that! :P so that'll hold me off a little bit but there will be a new download shortly. im workin on it now I downloaded it but it's not working for some reason.. Idk if I'm doing something wrong or what for now though I will put a link for this file but I'll...
  5. RPGcrafter07

    Resource Rules

    I've been trying to put a download link directly on the site, but it's not letting me. Keeps giving me an error message. I think its because I'm zipping with WinZip. What should I use to make it work with this site, or does it not matter and I just have bad luck. :P
  6. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    As of right now I cant strip it down, but I will once I get far enough along, promise.
  7. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    Hey thanks! I'm currently compiling a new version with some fixes if you want to wait for it to be posted. either way is fine, but I fixed a lot of issues that the original Demo had that's others have found. :P
  8. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    well what the heck... it doesn't do that in any other version of the demo, I never put that event to transfer to the worldmap, until u walk passed the shop map to the left of the Inn.. hmm... that is weird. i'm goin to look into that and i'll post an update. And I just looked into my...
  9. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    well you nailed it cause that's what i'm using lol Nice, glad you enjoyed.. I've been doing this for a long time. And yes, I did a retest last night of the entire game, and noticed a few things. That shop you can't find lmao when you exit to the left there's a building with neon lights with a...
  10. RPGcrafter07

    OMG help me! lol

    okay, so I got this problem guys... I made a boat, in which the characters r crossing the sea with of course.. one problem.. once u enter that map, if u save it deletes your saved game!!! now wtf.. anyone know what could cause this, or what I should do?!! thanks in advance. :(
  11. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    it's giving me the error when I actually go to upload the file
  12. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    Ok i'll give it a shot! Thanks a lot. If that'll help ppl out i'm down. I tried, it keeps giving me an error msg. So far everyone I know that used my link have had no problems.. but if I can get it to let me post on here instead I will do so.
  13. RPGcrafter07

    Sinnistar's Resource Calendar - January

    Okay thanks for everything! too bad we can't link Makers, i'd like to team up with ppl for an epic game one day, but for now I'll do what I can alone. lol I'm trying to make a true to the genre rpg so this one will take a while. I have an acc on Rpgmakerweb too so i'll look into it. Thanks again.
  14. RPGcrafter07

    Sinnistar's Resource Calendar - January

    Okay, i'll check into that Scifi Tile set, my main issue is the character who isn't human.. lol. Idk how I could get one on him :P and I need a classic one. Can't find one anywhere on google. Ones I do find are for older versions, which does not work out at all.. already tried. Where can I find...
  15. RPGcrafter07

    Sinnistar's Resource Calendar - January

    do you know where I can find a good boat tile set?! i'm kinda stuck on blackened souls, cause I need a tileset lol. I also need to find some one who can put a sailor suit on a character set for me lol. just thought i'd ask yah.
  16. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy the Demo and I look forward to feedback it is in a different post my friend :P a What type of Info would you like? :P Hey thank you! hope you enjoy it! and I look forward to that feedback! lol...
  17. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    Haha well I kinda want you to try and break it!! haha I hate bugs.. I've had a few ppl try it and a good friend of mine is my full time tester and he found only a grammar error which I've fixed now.. so far no bugs. but thanks and I hope you enjoy it! if I could find a way for it to let me I...
  18. RPGcrafter07

    Blackened Souls (Demo)

    RPGcrafter07 submitted a new resource: Blackened Souls (Demo) - A demo to my current project. Read more about this resource...
  19. RPGcrafter07

    RPG Maker Blackened Souls (Demo) 1.02

    An 1hr to 1hr 30min long Demo of Blackened Souls, my current project. Looking for feedback and trying to spread the word about my game. I'm very proud of it, and yes I did use some RTP files, but I've brought them to life, my battle system does not disappoint, as it's not the basic system the...
  20. RPGcrafter07

    Hello Everyone!! I spreading my demo and this forum is next lol :)

    I assume this isn't where I post it, but I will be adding it to his site. I've used RM for years now, and have fallen in love with MV, its so flexible It blows my mind what I can do. So when I add this DEMO plz download it and give me feedback and if anyone wants to work with me on it, I'm def...