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Blackened Souls (Demo)

Blackened Souls (Demo) 1.02

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RPGcrafter07 submitted a new resource:

Blackened Souls (Demo) - A demo to my current project.

A 30 - 40 min Demo of Blackened Souls, my current project. Looking for feedback and trying to spread the word about my game. I'm very proud of it, and yes I did use some RTP files, but I've brought them to life, my battle system does not disappoint, as it's not the basic system the maker comes with. No one has be disappointed by the game yet, now I want yall to try it for me. :) any feedback is fine, the good the bad and the ugly. be honest.

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Praised Adventurer
This sounds interesting. I'll give it a go and let ya know my thoughts on it. That's a pretty good chunk of a demo too heh so it's got to have a bunch I could explore and try breaking the game with O.o oops didn't mean to say that out loud! xP I'll check it out though haha.


This sounds interesting. I'll give it a go and let ya know my thoughts on it. That's a pretty good chunk of a demo too heh so it's got to have a bunch I could explore and try breaking the game with O.o oops didn't mean to say that out loud! xP I'll check it out though haha.
Haha well I kinda want you to try and break it!! haha I hate bugs.. I've had a few ppl try it and a good friend of mine is my full time tester and he found only a grammar error which I've fixed now.. so far no bugs. but thanks and I hope you enjoy it!
Mediafire is not a download friendly site at times. Could you please download straight to here?
[doublepost=1453772019][/doublepost]if I could find a way for it to let me I will :P


Ok i'll give it a shot! Thanks a lot. If that'll help ppl out i'm down.
[doublepost=1453782122,1453781894][/doublepost]I tried, it keeps giving me an error msg. So far everyone I know that used my link have had no problems.. but if I can get it to let me post on here instead I will do so.


Praised Adventurer
Finally got a chance to test out your demo too. The choice of audio is on par, nice job with that! It's difficult to keep a steady audio theme when it's jumping between realms like that but you have a pretty good matching set. Review on the sections below:

The intro:
This was very well thought out and done quite nicely. I actually liked all the event mechanics you used in this. (In the earth realm part where he's offered a job, is that guy supposed to say Tomorrow as Tomarrow? lol found that off since he speaks everything else properly so figured it's a typo).
The Town:
This looks very nicely made out. The layering of the buildings make it look pretty convincing. The cat on the roof could be replaced with an actual animated cat (there is one where it's sleeping as well as licking itself) which is more realistic than a running in place kitty heh. The very top of this tower thing is walkable so the player can get on that, and then the rest of the buildings by doing so. xP might wanna fix that one. I'd also suggest some "shack-like" doors instead of the wooden medieval ones. They clash too much with the exterior of the buildings using the scifi tileset.

In the house scene, I love the sound effects! That adds life to it, nicely done. The scenes after that all look nice too with great choice of audio. "Goodmorning" should be changed to "Good Morning" lol, it's separate words. More merged words.
World Map:
This is very well mapped out as well. The path makes for a nice change from other games I've played. You end up going here directly after the inn map, but I noticed there was a shop in the map to the left of that one that you can't access after you've gotten the job. Is that the only shop? My party died in the forest map because I couldn't find a shop to buy supplies at lol.
I'll play through it more later, not sure how much further the demo has, but I made it to near the end of the forest/cliff area before the party died. So my thoughts so far:
The cut scenes are very well done and all connect in a story sequence. This kept me interested to say the least. I clearly noticed a deeper story developing with the mysterious characters doing their deeds with the crystal and such. Some different emotions would work wonders with the characters, but using a bunch of default ones make that a bit difficult to do. You'll have to double check some of the dialogue as there are unspaced sections as I pointed out, as well as a couple of misspelled words in those (again idk if it's intentional or not). You're off to a really good start with this for sure. The maps are all very nice in comparison to many projects (including my own lol). The enemies definitely need rebalanced. The slimes can 2-hit both the starting characters. It's difficult to fight off a grouping of 3 of them when each turn they kill a party member lol. I can't say too much passed that however, but the mob respawning is something unique I haven't seen done very many times. That added some variance, but also a problem with them being as strong as they were. I also didn't notice an escape option in the battle (pressing the escape button and right click didn't do anything for me, but this isn't the first time I've run into this when people use that battle plugin so prolly my end) but if that's not in there I'd suggest one lol since not everyone will want to be forced into fighting everything that they touch. Either way, I think you're off to quite a good start on this project. It's both interesting and has a unique storyline so far from what I've seen.
it's giving me the error when I actually go to upload the file
It's prolly because you're trying to upload a .rar packaged file. I'm not sure which one is allowed on these forums, but that's why I also can't upload stuff directly to the forums. =/


well you nailed it cause that's what i'm using lol
Finally got a chance to test out your demo too. The choice of audio is on par, nice job with that! It's difficult to keep a steady audio theme when it's jumping between realms like that but you have a pretty good matching set. Review on the sections below:

The intro:
This was very well thought out and done quite nicely. I actually liked all the event mechanics you used in this. (In the earth realm part where he's offered a job, is that guy supposed to say Tomorrow as Tomarrow? lol found that off since he speaks everything else properly so figured it's a typo).
The Town:
This looks very nicely made out. The layering of the buildings make it look pretty convincing. The cat on the roof could be replaced with an actual animated cat (there is one where it's sleeping as well as licking itself) which is more realistic than a running in place kitty heh. The very top of this tower thing is walkable so the player can get on that, and then the rest of the buildings by doing so. xP might wanna fix that one. I'd also suggest some "shack-like" doors instead of the wooden medieval ones. They clash too much with the exterior of the buildings using the scifi tileset.

In the house scene, I love the sound effects! That adds life to it, nicely done. The scenes after that all look nice too with great choice of audio. "Goodmorning" should be changed to "Good Morning" lol, it's separate words. More merged words.
World Map:
This is very well mapped out as well. The path makes for a nice change from other games I've played. You end up going here directly after the inn map, but I noticed there was a shop in the map to the left of that one that you can't access after you've gotten the job. Is that the only shop? My party died in the forest map because I couldn't find a shop to buy supplies at lol.
I'll play through it more later, not sure how much further the demo has, but I made it to near the end of the forest/cliff area before the party died. So my thoughts so far:
The cut scenes are very well done and all connect in a story sequence. This kept me interested to say the least. I clearly noticed a deeper story developing with the mysterious characters doing their deeds with the crystal and such. Some different emotions would work wonders with the characters, but using a bunch of default ones make that a bit difficult to do. You'll have to double check some of the dialogue as there are unspaced sections as I pointed out, as well as a couple of misspelled words in those (again idk if it's intentional or not). You're off to a really good start with this for sure. The maps are all very nice in comparison to many projects (including my own lol). The enemies definitely need rebalanced. The slimes can 2-hit both the starting characters. It's difficult to fight off a grouping of 3 of them when each turn they kill a party member lol. I can't say too much passed that however, but the mob respawning is something unique I haven't seen done very many times. That added some variance, but also a problem with them being as strong as they were. I also didn't notice an escape option in the battle (pressing the escape button and right click didn't do anything for me, but this isn't the first time I've run into this when people use that battle plugin so prolly my end) but if that's not in there I'd suggest one lol since not everyone will want to be forced into fighting everything that they touch. Either way, I think you're off to quite a good start on this project. It's both interesting and has a unique storyline so far from what I've seen.

It's prolly because you're trying to upload a .rar packaged file. I'm not sure which one is allowed on these forums, but that's why I also can't upload stuff directly to the forums. =/
Nice, glad you enjoyed.. I've been doing this for a long time. And yes, I did a retest last night of the entire game, and noticed a few things. That shop you can't find lmao when you exit to the left there's a building with neon lights with a sword and shield that's the shop. and it's always open. I'll fix those doors too, that's a good idea and the tower rofl. nice pics. Def gotta go through and fix some grammar too and balance out my battle system, and I to noticed I forgot to make you able to escape, which I will fix, cause the battle's later you can, by right clicking then selecting escape. Nice review my friend and I hope you enjoy the rest, I kinda put a cliff hanger at the end of the Demo :) But now that you know where that shop is, you got this! I still can't help but laugh that you didn't find the shop, since it's the last building you pass on your way out of Yunzit Slums haha. :P


Praised Adventurer
well you nailed it cause that's what i'm using lol

Nice, glad you enjoyed.. I've been doing this for a long time. And yes, I did a retest last night of the entire game, and noticed a few things. That shop you can't find lmao when you exit to the left there's a building with neon lights with a sword and shield that's the shop. and it's always open. I'll fix those doors too, that's a good idea and the tower rofl. nice pics. Def gotta go through and fix some grammar too and balance out my battle system, and I to noticed I forgot to make you able to escape, which I will fix, cause the battle's later you can, by right clicking then selecting escape. Nice review my friend and I hope you enjoy the rest, I kinda put a cliff hanger at the end of the Demo :) But now that you know where that shop is, you got this! I still can't help but laugh that you didn't find the shop, since it's the last building you pass on your way out of Yunzit Slums haha. :P
Yep as I thought then. It is the map to the left of the inn. You don't have it so you go there after leaving the inn map, at least in that version anyway. So it's instant world map without the option to visit the shop lol. That's what I mean by I couldn't get to it. I've been reviewing games for years lol xP so I've learned to check every corner haha and that's how I discovered those towers which was pretty funny. I got to pet the kitty! lol I actually found that shop very early on heh just couldn't get to it after getting the money for items cause it put me onto the world map after the inn's map and wouldn't let me go back >.<. But yeah, if I can figure out a way to bypass that, it'd be pretty easily done heh. Those battles though, they were tough xP only the groups of 3 though since they instant ko one party member with their attacks.


Yep as I thought then. It is the map to the left of the inn. You don't have it so you go there after leaving the inn map, at least in that version anyway. So it's instant world map without the option to visit the shop lol. That's what I mean by I couldn't get to it. I've been reviewing games for years lol xP so I've learned to check every corner haha and that's how I discovered those towers which was pretty funny. I got to pet the kitty! lol I actually found that shop very early on heh just couldn't get to it after getting the money for items cause it put me onto the world map after the inn's map and wouldn't let me go back >.<. But yeah, if I can figure out a way to bypass that, it'd be pretty easily done heh. Those battles though, they were tough xP only the groups of 3 though since they instant ko one party member with their attacks.
well what the heck... it doesn't do that in any other version of the demo, I never put that event to transfer to the worldmap, until u walk passed the shop map to the left of the Inn.. hmm... that is weird.
i'm goin to look into that and i'll post an update.
well what the heck... it doesn't do that in any other version of the demo, I never put that event to transfer to the worldmap, until u walk passed the shop map to the left of the Inn.. hmm... that is weird.
i'm goin to look into that and i'll post an update.
And I just looked into my events.. they are all set to take you to the map with the shop.. idk what's goin on, if only I could see u playing.
[doublepost=1453832203][/doublepost]send a pic of the last map b4 u leave town for me plz. thx


Praised Adventurer
well what the heck... it doesn't do that in any other version of the demo, I never put that event to transfer to the worldmap, until u walk passed the shop map to the left of the Inn.. hmm... that is weird.
i'm goin to look into that and i'll post an update.

And I just looked into my events.. they are all set to take you to the map with the shop.. idk what's goin on, if only I could see u playing.
[doublepost=1453832203][/doublepost]send a pic of the last map b4 u leave town for me plz. thx
lol don't sweat it. I'm sure it was a glitch or something during that run maybe it'll fix itself xP


RPGcrafter07 updated Blackened Souls (Demo) with a new update entry:

Blackened Souls (Demo) Version 1.01

This is pretty much the same Demo, I just fixed a few things. I fixed grammar errors, and also balanced out the battle system better. If you find anything wrong, please let me know so I can fix it. I work daily on this and I'm making good progress, in a few months I should have a complete game. Looking to go 10 hours in story time, and a few hours worth of side quests. I creating a true and original RPG so it will take time, thanks ahead of time for your patience.
Read the rest of this update entry...
lol don't sweat it. I'm sure it was a glitch or something during that run maybe it'll fix itself xP
maybe you're right, but I just released an update. Had to fix the things you pointed out, just couldn't find nothing wrong with the transfer of maps. Idk what went wrong man lol. It works great on my end.


Praised Adventurer
RPGcrafter07 updated Blackened Souls (Demo) with a new update entry:

Blackened Souls (Demo) Version 1.01

Read the rest of this update entry...
maybe you're right, but I just released an update. Had to fix the things you pointed out, just couldn't find nothing wrong with the transfer of maps. Idk what went wrong man lol. It works great on my end.
Well, I'll try it out again and see if it works for me this time. May have been a missing file or something for me, not really sure.


Praised Adventurer
Lol, alright buddy, let me know how it goes. I downloaded your's but the locales is all that came through.
Hm...I packed the output into that. Wonder why it only gave you that O.o. As far as I know, no one else has had that issue. Guess it don't matter too much since I'm almost to the point where I can update it to v0.05. lol So worst case just gotta wait till then xD and 'll test it myself to be sure it works properly.


Yeah I'll just wait that's cool with me :P
Hm...I packed the output into that. Wonder why it only gave you that O.o. As far as I know, no one else has had that issue. Guess it don't matter too much since I'm almost to the point where I can update it to v0.05. lol So worst case just gotta wait till then xD and 'll test it myself to be sure it works properly.
I'm gonna switch to 7zip, it's a really great free program and a lot easier to use than .rar. then i'll try upzipping with it instead, .rar is bad to lose files.


Praised Adventurer
Yeah I'll just wait that's cool with me :P

I'm gonna switch to 7zip, it's a really great free program and a lot easier to use than .rar. then i'll try upzipping with it instead, .rar is bad to lose files.
I will have it changed to a zip format too yeah lol so it'll be easier for those who have issues with the rar format. Also I'll be able to directly upload it here instead of using mediafire for it. That will help those having issues with MF too so guess it's a win win right xP


I will have it changed to a zip format too yeah lol so it'll be easier for those who have issues with the rar format. Also I'll be able to directly upload it here instead of using mediafire for it. That will help those having issues with MF too so guess it's a win win right xP
My thoughts exactly! lol I'm downloading your first game's demo right now too. But yeah, it'll be a lot easier if we can just put a download straight to the page. it's a lot more reliable. I finally got my boat btw :P The Game is turning out great so far lol