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  1. Jodis

    Adv Farm is uploaded. Lots of cool stuff.

    Adv Farm is uploaded. Lots of cool stuff.
  2. Jodis

    Adv Farm

    Jodis updated Adv Farm with a new update entry: Opps lol Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Jodis

    Adv Farm - Opps lol

    Forgot readme file.
  4. Jodis

    Adv Farm

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Adv Farm - Farm set with crowing crops Read more about this resource...
  5. Jodis

    Adv Farm 1.2

    This farm set contains lot's of stuff. Also added Tree Pack and Vine Door. This is still a WIP if you see an error even if you can fix it let me know. So that I can fix it for those who download and don't know how. You can find the shadows here
  6. Jodis

    I am going to post my farm set as soon as i am done with it and LTN will use it in his new...

    I am going to post my farm set as soon as i am done with it and LTN will use it in his new timecontrol plugin when he is done. I have a working side watermill as well as a windmill but that one is not working atm.
  7. Jodis

    I picked the purple with the yellow center so that it would look different from the rest. I...

    I picked the purple with the yellow center so that it would look different from the rest. I already have a wheat and yellow herb. It would have looked odd to have yellow leaves as well. But i didn't have a flower in the lot so i picked it. As soon as i get the cherry and olive trees done i am...
  8. Jodis

    There is the other potato plant with a purple flower. Man which one. argggggggggg

    There is the other potato plant with a purple flower. Man which one. argggggggggg
  9. Jodis

    I feel stupid, putting off the potato to last just to find out that all I needed to do was make...

    I feel stupid, putting off the potato to last just to find out that all I needed to do was make the leaves yellow. rofl
  10. Jodis

    lol Ya he has a lot.

    lol Ya he has a lot.
  11. Jodis

    Plugin Time Control/Travel

    I will do more than test it out after i get the sugar cane done I will zip up my crop and put it on my midia fire i will send you the link when i am done. Oh do you want the water mill as will the wind mill is not animated or i can zip the hole lot and let you pic but it is still a WIP. But i...
  12. Jodis

    Plugin Time Control/Travel

    Cool as always LTN. I am almost done with my crops. I was thinking of adding sugar cane next. In game screenshot I even have the mill working. Just thought of something you can even use it for spawning mobs. Having different levels spawn at different times. That is so cool. This is a 10 in my...
  13. Jodis

    Back from a 12 year break =)

    lol Kids can find anything. Welcome back.
  14. Jodis

    Time Engine

    Will do. Here is a screen shot of why I was asking. I just did a quest edit on this farm to show you some of the stuff in my farm set that i am working on. The watermill on the bottom right is working but I have not got the carnivores...
  15. Jodis

    Time Engine

    Oh thank god for you. I was about ready to pull my hair out. I tried all the others and ether I downloaded an old version or they have not updated to 1.3.1 yet. But I got to the point were you were my last hope. Oh I do understand how long it can take my hubby is a programmer as well. He is...
  16. Jodis

    Time Engine

    Do you plan on having an add-on for things like shop hours or harvesting crops once a day?
  17. Jodis

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    My hubby and I are making our own menu. At the same time I am learning a little on the java. Hear is a screenshot of our menu so far.
  18. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack

    Jodis updated Jodis's Tree Pack with a new update entry: Jodis's Tree Pack Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack - Jodis's Tree Pack

    Today I added the orange and lemon trees.
  20. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack

    Jodis updated Jodis's Tree Pack with a new update entry: Jodis's Tree Pack Read the rest of this update entry...