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  1. Jodis

    Adv Farm - Phantom Pixel

    One of the trees had a Phantom Pixel. This is now fixed.
  2. Jodis

    My hear is with you.

    My hear is with you.
  3. Jodis

    Arrrrrggggg I hate 404 errors. Next one go's boom rofl

    Arrrrrggggg I hate 404 errors. Next one go's boom rofl
  4. Jodis

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    You and LTN worded that perfectly.
  5. Jodis

    did you look in the junk folder?

    did you look in the junk folder?
  6. Jodis

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    serial thank you for saying that nicely. wow you are only 16 you sound more like an adult then the others did. the one that were trolling i meen
  7. Jodis

    Adv Farm

    I agree with you he is one hell of a programmer. One of the few who are better than my hubby.
  8. Jodis

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    He has a right and responsibility to notify all his regular donators that the bills are due. If you are not a donator then this topic was not meant for you. This topic is meant for the regular monthly donator. So stop acting like kids. Thank you for your support on this guys.
  9. Jodis

    Starbird - Sci-Fi Freepack

    I like this for a sci-fi theam. I am working more on a fantasy style atm.
  10. Jodis

    Hosting Payment Due Soon, Help us by Donating

    Wow you think this site is bad on adds and stuff go try Minecraft planet I need ghostery on so it don't take me 30 min to load the page. This is the only site I don't need to block. If I had the money and didn't need to spend it on 6 pills and 2 shots a day I would also donate to help keep the...
  11. Jodis

    Adv Farm

    Glad I could be of help. LTN has a time system he is working on. I will be useing it for my farming needs. I tryed orange time system and as soon as i added his hud it lagged so bad my fps went to 25. and valu's has one but that is not updated or will work for farming. With LTN's i get no lag...
  12. Jodis

    Adv Farm

    Jodis updated Adv Farm with a new update entry: oops Read the rest of this update entry... For the new people I use the default tiles to make 90% of what your see in most of my creations. The other 10% is cleanup to make it look nicer. I do this so that my creations match the default style.
  13. Jodis

    Adv Farm - oops

    Forgot to add the Icons. Sorry MidiaFire stopped working and now i am upset.