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  1. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    Yes, everyone must explore the ultimate worst in themselves! I'm glad to see some people already taking an interest in this idea. I hope that this will be a fun event for creators to participate in as well as a nice learning experience for everyone. @LTN Games, I'll be sure to message you soon...
  2. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    Oh gosh, that's kind of reminding me of all the Sonic 06 glitches
  3. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    XD That's amazing!
  4. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    Yep, I want people to be able to embrace tons of ideas which would usually be off-limits if they were trying to make an actually good game. The only glitch I can remember isn't too bad. A roaming enemy in Yo-kai Watch was spawned outside the area it was supposed to be in (on the outside of this...
  5. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    After being inspired by the recent Halloween contest as well as the visual novel Atashi no Riri, which was made for a "worst visual novel ever" contest, I wish to host a Worst RPG Maker Game Ever event! In one month, people, either individual or in teams, will have to create a game that is the...
  6. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Ah, couldn't send anything in sadly. Too much work in the past few days. Again, good luck to everyone though!
  7. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Since the end of Tuesday is the deadline for the game, what timezone is being used exactly?
  8. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Started mine! Good luck everyone!
  9. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Oh yeah, I chose Kirby quite a bit as well. Well, I liked being quick and dodging any hits. And also because Pikachu is adorable Pen, though I do have a brush pen. I usually line a faint sketch with my ballpoint pen and then fill in any areas that need to be full black with my wider brush pen...
  10. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    (wide) ...the only Smash game I've played was Melee that I have for the Gamecube and that was at least 5 years ago xD Last I remember, the character I played as most was Pikachu
  11. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    No, it's not reusable. I should really get one that is though. Hmm, maybe stuffed animals and plushies. I have so many lying around and want more whenever I see a really cute one xD My tablet and pen! Though, I am growing very fond of using ink lately
  12. DolorIpsum

    How to check item ID

    Hopefully I'm posting this in the correct forum. My problem is that I can't find a way to check item ID to put into a variable. For my item menu, I don't have a help window. Instead I want a message window to display the information about the item after it was selected, almost like with the...
  13. DolorIpsum

    Wanting to Modify Item Menu

    There wouldn't be any sections to choose, just a list like this showing only the name of the items. All items, including equipment, could be found here. I was able to moreorless get it working by using a plugin by Mr.Trivel and changing some of the original coding. Thanks though to @Soul and...
  14. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Yes I do actually Mess with my things. I live in organized chaos and just hate if any of my stuff gets moved around Well, I don't dislike them.
  15. DolorIpsum

    Wanting to Modify Item Menu

    For the game I'm trying to make, a side-scrolling puzzle adventure game, I only need 1 section for my Item Menu. I was hoping to be able to have something similar to the XaiL System (XS) Item Mini or Item Minified, both by Nicke on rpgmakerweb. An example of what I'd like is a modified variation...
  16. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Look around, say "Okay then" to the kid, and then just keep walking Kinda tired, but yeah, I'm happy Probably pizza, though chicken is a close second. If I have morning classes, then I get ready and have breakfast, the usual. Otherwise, I just try to go back to sleep. Either a couple hours...
  17. DolorIpsum

    Zeb's AMA thread

    Wow, that's a pretty cool story. Kind of inspires me to try my hand at music (jolly) And yes, I most certainly am happy. comes more questions. If you had to be an animal, real or fake, what would you be and why? Do you have any pets?
  18. DolorIpsum

    Zeb's AMA thread

    Yo there! >:3 What got you into creating music in the first place and why did you not follow the glorious path of design? Worst game you ever played? What about best?
  19. DolorIpsum

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Gasp! How dare you! Well, I'm not sure exactly, but I got more serious about designing and art in general at the beginning of high school. I made up tons of stories and characters and finally thought '"I want to do something with this!". And the rest is history. Also, now that you say that...
  20. DolorIpsum

    Feeling great! Time for more art and music!

    Feeling great! Time for more art and music!