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  1. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    As I have just learned from @MinisterJay and @Cunechan, unless you get permission or a license, you are not allowed to do this as you would be breaking the forum rules concerning copyright infringement.
  2. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Oh cool, I'll be sure to check it out then.
  3. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Haha, well if I'm able to figure out how to do it, then it will probably happen ^v^ (never streamed anything before)
  4. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Okay then. That's what I thought, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the clarification!
  5. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Thanks! I also have another question. When you say the boy is forced to live the days over and over, do you mean he's living the previous days of his life over again in their usual order or he's reliving a single day over and over again? Sorry if that's a dumb question
  6. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    xD I was actually thinking of playing all the games in a stream, so I guess my ultimate regret may possibly be heard live
  7. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Cool! Hopefully I'll have something done by the end of this amidst all my college work xD
  8. DolorIpsum

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    This sounds great! Already having some ideas for it. I'd like to know something though: are we only allowed to use MV or can we use any RPG Maker engine? Also, I'd like to donate something. Would a sketch drawing of the winner's choice (not NSFW) be alright?
  9. DolorIpsum

    Badge Making Contest

    How many are we allowed to submit?
  10. DolorIpsum

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Hello everyone. I’m proud to be introducing a new challenge/event for anyone who would like to take part in: “The Worst RPG Maker Game Ever” event! About This event is simple: in one month, create a game that is the epitome of awful and terrible to play. Eyesore graphics, ear-bleeding music...
  11. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    @Walker's No problem! I'm glad you were able to work out what you wanted.
  12. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    For a way to have the event with an organic approach like you'd want, make the event like I mentioned before in any spot on the map and then I believe there's a way to check where characters are on a map, though I'm not sure if that command is for player and events only or not. If it allows for...
  13. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    @Walker's Now after thinking the idea over, I think I have a semi-possible idea for how to make what you're trying to do possible. Have an empty event on top of where the follower will be, either making it Above Player or Through. Once you've activated the trigger, turn a switch on. Once that...
  14. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    Ah yes my mistake there. I know that MV uses both but what Walker showed was specifically a script that needed to be added in as well as using the ruby coding language. I wasn't clear enough about the distinction as I don't fiddle around too much with the actual script part. The follower script...
  15. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    That appears to be for one of the earlier programs, as MV uses plugins instead of scripts. I would suggest looking at Tsukihime's plugin first. If that doesn't work and you're still not be able to accomplish this in MV through other attempts, then maybe you could consider making your project in...
  16. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    I believe Tsukihime has an event follower script that could help you with that. It lets events follow the players, other events, and a couple of other things I think.
  17. DolorIpsum

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    I think Echo actually went through the entire process of how she did that effect in either the first or second part of her let's make a game series as well as a few other times in the series. Maybe you can figure out how to accomplish that effect you are trying to go for by watching through...
  18. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    I can see exactly where that sort of thought process could come from. After rereading it myself, I saw it just like that as well. What I was actually going for was sort of like a lighthearted joke, like "Hey I see you two over there hehe" but I never was one to be good with jokes and since...
  19. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    I see the point you're getting at. I suppose I was trying to go for something with that comment that ended up taken in the wrong light.
  20. DolorIpsum

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    I'm terribly sorry about that. I didn't mean for it to be taken that way. I'll remove that comment now and make my post more neutral in its wording.