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  1. Xyphien

    Day one of a liquid food only diet, and it sucks... I really wish my jaw would stop hurting >.>

    Day one of a liquid food only diet, and it sucks... I really wish my jaw would stop hurting >.>
  2. Xyphien Giveaway for Total War: Warhammer Giveaway for Total War: Warhammer
  3. Xyphien

    We're in the top 225k websites in the world. (out of over 1 billion)

    We're in the top 225k websites in the world. (out of over 1 billion)
  4. Xyphien

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    I was watching Boogie and he brought up that Steam Greenlight is shutting down. What's your opinions on this? What bothers me the most is the people that have invested $100 into being able to upload their game will now pretty much lose the $100 once they remove the ability for greenlight...
  5. Xyphien

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    ahh, I'll test out this current theme on mobile and tablet, if it works without flaws I'll simply remove the forced dark theme for mobile users. I appreciate the inquiry. Bloop, all looks good honestly. So I removed the dark theme from being forced :) Kind of good as it was super outdated anyway.
  6. Xyphien

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    What do you mean a light theme? The default theme is in fact a light theme?
  7. Xyphien

    Not sure if this is the right forum, but...(Resource question)

    To piggyback on what everyone else said. you can also download resources here: each resource on our resource section states what they allow, and do not allow. Some allow commercial use, others allow it after being paid/donated too, etc. You can also sell your...
  8. Xyphien

    Help with Event Picture Transparency & Fixed Position?

    The Feedback, Suggestions, and Help section is for Forum related inquiries. I've moved this to MV Support so the community can better assist your problem :)
  9. Xyphien Camstratia's newsletter is now available for you to subscribe to. Camstratia's newsletter is now available for you to subscribe to.
  10. Xyphien

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    The pricing is up to the users, and not us. We allow the users to set whatever price they'd like for the resources. Though I do find it weird how some would try selling on here but then offer the same thing for free elsewhere, but to each their own :)
  11. Xyphien

    Show your fellow game dev support and help shout out...

    Show your fellow game dev support and help shout out this game using RaiseGamer.
  12. Xyphien

    Move Ask Me Anything out of Introductions and Goodbyes

    Bloop. Done :) Though now it's side by side the Member Introduction, so I just hope it doesn't confuse people even further.
  13. Xyphien

    Changing Conversations to PMs?

    This will save me so much time in the future! Very valid points, and thus far it looks like the general community feel the same way as you do :) Though it's a pretty close race.
  14. Xyphien

    Changing Conversations to PMs?

    I've reopened the poll another week if you'd like to vote. I feel that only having it for one week wasn't the best thing and the 2 comments have been either not caring or wanting to keep it.
  15. Xyphien

    Yeah, replaced the battery, have to replace a whole part of the battery again (Tomorrow) and...

    Yeah, replaced the battery, have to replace a whole part of the battery again (Tomorrow) and then get a new key. Costing me around $400 total :( RIP
  16. Xyphien

    My car broke down on me last night... 20k miles Dodge Charger, you'd think I wouldn't have this...

    My car broke down on me last night... 20k miles Dodge Charger, you'd think I wouldn't have this issue...
  17. Xyphien

    Camstratia - 4% complete

    That's pretty much how it's going to be :) It'll share some things like that, and give you the option to confront people about their diary, or confront others about someone else's such as the mayor. But in doing so, you can lose the rights to read diary's as other people might remove them. So...
  18. Xyphien

    Camstratia - 4% complete

    We're in the process of waiting on the designer who has fallen ill. I'm waiting for his full recovery before asking him to do anymore work :) After that as we get everything done, and hopefully @LTN Games replies to me on how to get some of the plugins working to my needs I'll make an...
  19. Xyphien

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    That's me on a good day. Normally I have double that, as well as 3 instances of google chrome open up. I'm a busy man :D
  20. Xyphien

    Changing Conversations to PMs?

    If you go to your Mail Box on the forums, or send someone mail it reads "Start a Conversation" or "Conversations". It was brought up to me by a user that this is misleading, and having it changed to "Send a PM" as well as "PMs" would help out a lot, and make things clearer as that's the norm for...