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  1. Xyphien

    Before the Storm...

    Hello and welcome to the community Ardees! I'm currently making a TCG for mythology, including Nordic Mythology so if you need any help or advice with all that I might be able to help. :) Good luck on your project!
  2. Xyphien

    New RMMV user

    Hello and welcome to the community Yam! I hope you enjoy your stay here and happy creating!
  3. Xyphien

    Hi all

    Hello and welcome to the community! You've joined the best place then, simply ask around and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out in no time :)
  4. Xyphien

    New Member

    Hello and welcome Abagail! I feel the same with the jack of all trades. Only thing I've been good at is being a disappointment (jolly)(jolly)(jolly)
  5. Xyphien

    New member!

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm glad to have you here. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask on the website, the community here is one of the best on the net :) What games do you play, and what's your top 3 anime?
  6. Xyphien

    Programmer trying a first hobby professional game

    Hello and welcome to the community! I'm glad to have you here and I'm looking forward to seeing you around! You have almost as much experiences in this than I have life on this earth XD
  7. Xyphien


    Hi newbie, I'm Xyphien!
  8. Xyphien

    MV-Tan Fan Art Contest!

  9. Xyphien


    I've updated this to include all of the latest contests!
  10. Xyphien

    MV-Tan Fan Art Contest!

    Salutations RMMVers! We're going to be hosting a Fan Art Contest for our beloved MV-Tan! To enter all you have to do is simply make a fan art of her, it doesn't matter what scenery it is, what it's about as long as it has MV-Tan in it! :) Everyone who enters will be able to chose one item of...
  11. Xyphien

    How to sell your Game and Plugins

    Hello RMMVers! This post will explain to anyone who is interested in selling either their Resources, or Games on our website. It's quite easy, however I feel some people might not know how to, or if you were able to do this at all in the first place! Firstly you're going to need an account on...
  12. Xyphien

    [PAID] Music Artist Needed!

    Salutations ladies and gentlemen! I'm looking for someone who will be willing to create a really good mythology type of sound track. I'd need it to be able to loop perfectly. It will be for I'm willing to pay $50 for up to four music pieces. The game has three main...
  13. Xyphien

    Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

    Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
  14. Xyphien

    You found out your Paid Artist is plagiarizing something?

    Update: after getting in touch with the person, he will be re-doing all the pictures that he's done like this. 5 out of 20 of the images were like that, and he said he's more than happy to have them changed :)
  15. Xyphien

    You found out your Paid Artist is plagiarizing something?

    If you've been working with an artist for a decent amount of time, and after a huge investment, let's say of around $2,000 you found out that the person has been plagiarizing his artwork. Not in an illegal way, however in a way that it is quite obvious he/she is stealing the artwork. Example...
  16. Xyphien

    How do y'all like the new Halloween look?

    How do y'all like the new Halloween look?
  17. Xyphien

    Spooky month is here! And we're almost near the spookiest part of the year...

    Spooky month is here! And we're almost near the spookiest part of the year!
  18. Xyphien

    Spooky Month!

    Henlo frands! It's the owner which whom is hardly ever on. Ik, ik. Anyway, I'm here to inform you that we have changed the Abyss theme to a spooky/Halloween theme! MV-Tan has orange hair, with black/orange dress, and the images around her changed from swords and shields to Bats and Pumpkins...
  19. Xyphien

    Happy Birthday RMMV! + Contest!

    I'm a day late, however RMMV has just reached it's 2 year old mark! It's a proud moment for RMMV, and is something that should be celebrated. Because of such a huge event we'll be doing an October Contest for this month! For a chance to win a free chance to win a free paid resource on our...
  20. Xyphien

    Should I change my name?

    So, I've had Xyphien for years now and for some reason I'm thinking about changing my name to NecroSummoner. What do y'all think of that? Do you think Xyphien is good, or do you think NecroSummoner would be cooler or something? (cute)