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  1. Troctzul


    Welcome to the website, hope to see you around! I have a youtube channel myself, nothing too fancy but there's a lot on the page. Spoiler video is from my latest game "Tamria".
  2. Troctzul

    It's the three day weekend isn't it? I've been trying to take it easy, but find myself working...

    It's the three day weekend isn't it? I've been trying to take it easy, but find myself working on my game more lately. :P
  3. Troctzul

    Here you go, $1 full domain for a year. WordPress included.

    Here you go, $1 full domain for a year. WordPress included.
  4. Troctzul

    Add me on Steam (Troctzul)! Still looking for a good workshop team!

    Add me on Steam (Troctzul)! Still looking for a good workshop team!
  5. Troctzul

    I think a lot of new developers get bogged down with the notion of parallax mapping. It is a...

    I think a lot of new developers get bogged down with the notion of parallax mapping. It is a very nice polish yes, but don't forget to make an actual game with those maps. Seen a lot of people spend years on a 15 minute project because of parallax mapping. It is called a polishing step because...
  6. Troctzul

    Tilesets... so time consuming, but it's like riding a bike lol

    Tilesets... so time consuming, but it's like riding a bike lol
  7. Troctzul

    In the end, isn't why we are all here? :P

    In the end, isn't why we are all here? :P
  8. Troctzul

    That is actually what I am currently sustaining myself with, professional services locally...

    That is actually what I am currently sustaining myself with, professional services locally. However, it is unfortunate that the town I live in is not very... technically inclined. I have been capitalizing on being one of the only web designers in a heavily populated rural area, but the work...
  9. Troctzul

    Which means I am back looking for a steady paycheck on top of being self-employed. I can simply...

    Which means I am back looking for a steady paycheck on top of being self-employed. I can simply finish the game... but considering all the other things going on, I worry about the integrity of the finished project if rushed. I fear I will have to simply delay it further...
  10. Troctzul

    It's not the game that is the problem, I can finish the game no problem... my problem is that...

    It's not the game that is the problem, I can finish the game no problem... my problem is that the Guelstie Project itself has a popular social media platform that may not be massive, but is getting too much for just me alone. I need help in the form of setting up and maintaining a decent studio...
  11. Troctzul

    I don't even know if I'll be able to finish the project without help...

    I don't even know if I'll be able to finish the project without help...
  12. Troctzul

    90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of development time. The remaining 10% of the code...

    90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of development time
  13. Troctzul

    You got this! Some days I look at my list of things to complete on Tamria for the month of July...

    You got this! Some days I look at my list of things to complete on Tamria for the month of July and think... dam, I'm so behind...
  14. Troctzul

    Honestly, I'm mostly a marketer. I sell things. This takes research and product knowledge. DM me...

    Honestly, I'm mostly a marketer. I sell things. This takes research and product knowledge. DM me if you want help getting your game noticed.
  15. Troctzul

    Guelstie Project SE Pack 1

    Yeah, my friend has been a Dj for many years and even does local shows. Most of her music is hip-hop, but she has been wanting to break out of just doing that and is considering getting into composing for video games. We've been working on the Guelstie Project ever since... she is still doing...
  16. Troctzul

    Guelstie Project SE Pack 1

    Lol alright, just wanted to make sure they were working properly. You are correct, MV doesn't require both, but if you are to host the game in HTML5, you will need both... learned that one from actual testing. The files really are M4A and not mp4... just a habit to call it that :P Also the back...
  17. Troctzul

    Guelstie Project SE Pack 1

    That's not good! Are the mp4 not playing at all? If you are trying to get them to work in RPG Maker, remember that MV requires both the mp4 and the ogg file to be placed in the folder. I don't believe VX Ace supports the mp4 format at all though, in which case they would need to be converted to...
  18. Troctzul

    Guelstie Project SE Pack 1

    Troctzul submitted a new resource: Guelstie Project SE Pack 1 - 13 Unique SE for your RPG Maker MV project Read more about this resource...
  19. Troctzul

    Guelstie Project SE Pack 1 2016-08-18

    My friend composes music and is helping me out with the Guelstie Project for recognition. This first set of sound effects are pretty general and are an offering from us to the community! She was wondering if any of you guys were interested in more, perhaps she would be willing to get back into...
  20. Troctzul

    Lol I'm sure I would, but luckily this place is nothing like rpgmakerweb. Forums are popular...

    Lol I'm sure I would, but luckily this place is nothing like rpgmakerweb. Forums are popular still, but they will always be cluttered. It may have been cool back in 2006, but a forum can't be the majority of your website anymore. Unless you plan to do something with actual categorizational...