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Guelstie Project SE Pack 1 2016-08-18

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Troctzul: Father, RPG Maker, Conqueror of Worlds
Troctzul submitted a new resource:

Guelstie Project SE Pack 1 - 13 Unique SE for your RPG Maker MV project

My friend composes music and is helping me out with the Guelstie Project for recognition. This first set of sound effects are pretty general and are an offering from us to the community! She was wondering if any of you guys were interested in more, perhaps she would be willing to get back into the studio for some paid audio tracks or more SE! Follow her on Twitter!
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Praised Adventurer
Hm, for some reason none of these will play any sounds for me. They sound like they'd all fit in with my Ebony Stars game though! I'm not sure why they don't work for me but yeah I'd say if she is actually into making them she should pursue it! Many people will be greatful for free resources especially when it comes to sound effects and other audio since there's not too much in terms of variety in that. (Most follow the typical fantasy or medieval/fantasy style lol mine included sad to say).

Hopefully I can figure out why those won't play, I'm curious to hear them heh xD


Troctzul: Father, RPG Maker, Conqueror of Worlds
Hm, for some reason none of these will play any sounds for me.
That's not good! Are the mp4 not playing at all? If you are trying to get them to work in RPG Maker, remember that MV requires both the mp4 and the ogg file to be placed in the folder. I don't believe VX Ace supports the mp4 format at all though, in which case they would need to be converted to mp3. Let me know if that helps!


Praised Adventurer
That's not good! Are the mp4 not playing at all? If you are trying to get them to work in RPG Maker, remember that MV requires both the mp4 and the ogg file to be placed in the folder. I don't believe VX Ace supports the mp4 format at all though, in which case they would need to be converted to mp3. Let me know if that helps!
Fun fact, MV doesn't actually require both to be in the project xP I have only OOG's in mine and they all work heh. Deleting the ones you're not using lightens the size of your project greatly! In regards to why it wasn't working for me...I think it was my headset not playing back sounds lol. I didn't realize that until I tried to watch something and got only silence. So that was prolly it! (Also, I'm not sure MP4 will even work in MV lol since the defaults are M4A and OOG. I don't think MP4 will show up in the engine when trying to put it in your project. I could be wrong though with the recent updates and such but I do remember it being like that before cause I had to convert a bunch of MP3-4 files into M4A xP)

btw that's some neat bgm you have in that video there xD definitely good solid quality. If those SE are like that, then yeah I'd say it's worth pursuing and making more! I'd certainly find use for many myself heh. (Considering Ebony Stars has none currently and anything remotely close to sci-fi sounding stuff will work perfect for that game). TOTL on the other hand has a musician making custom pieces for the game as a whole soundtrack but that's my big team based project.


Troctzul: Father, RPG Maker, Conqueror of Worlds
Lol alright, just wanted to make sure they were working properly. You are correct, MV doesn't require both, but if you are to host the game in HTML5, you will need both... learned that one from actual testing. The files really are M4A and not mp4... just a habit to call it that :P Also the back ground music for the Tamria scene is stock from MV, however she did make a few other tracks that will be featured in the game.


Praised Adventurer
Heh yeah it's odd like that. xD either way, our community here could always use more good musicians xP there's not enough lol but yeah good luck on your project! (I managed to listen to those SE, they'd fit well with my Ebony Stars project but not TOTL lol since that one is more fantasy than anything else)


Troctzul: Father, RPG Maker, Conqueror of Worlds
Yeah, my friend has been a Dj for many years and even does local shows. Most of her music is hip-hop, but she has been wanting to break out of just doing that and is considering getting into composing for video games. We've been working on the Guelstie Project ever since... she is still doing her thing mostly, but I've been the one pouring my life into getting this out there :P


Praised Adventurer
Yeah, my friend has been a Dj for many years and even does local shows. Most of her music is hip-hop, but she has been wanting to break out of just doing that and is considering getting into composing for video games. We've been working on the Guelstie Project ever since... she is still doing her thing mostly, but I've been the one pouring my life into getting this out there :P
Always good to pursue something you enjoy doing!