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  1. Isaac The Red

    And you can extend your other plugins ease of creation by having key functions put together in...

    And you can extend your other plugins ease of creation by having key functions put together in the core plugin.:D
  2. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    Even Better news 1.3.1 out today. Woke up to great news!
  3. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    Well their looking to get the next update out within a week, Source: Archeia on rpgmakerweb forums. So that will be of course bugfixing work. But your still going to need to wait for a terrax lighting update simply because it relies on the previous implementation of pixi.js Either way, I'm...
  4. Isaac The Red

    Hi! o/

    @aenigmat has joined the party! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here, Great to have new faces show up!
  5. Isaac The Red

    Aseprite - Pixel Art Tool

    If your not afraid of compiling it yourself you can get it for free. Works pretty nice... I might try to get into this a bit could be useful.
  6. Isaac The Red

    Time for some sprite design and- ...Oh dear...

    Don't sweat the small stuff. If you want to use the SV battle system go for it, and use 'close enough' sprites for now. Take a break from trying to get it perfect and work on the less self torture filled areas of the game. Don't drain the fun out of this hobby for yourself by stressing over one...
  7. Isaac The Red

    I have a lovely bunch of coconuts.

    I have a lovely bunch of coconuts.
  8. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    I'll be happier with the encryption when I don't have to manual fix it for each release, for as long as 1.3 was in the works I kinda feel like that shouldn't have slipped past them. And I've seen something about the Mac export even with encryption on pushes the mp4 and ogg into the project...
  9. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    Yea I'm expecting a lot of plugins have probably been broken by this. I kinda feel bad for yanfly so many plugins to go through to make sure they still work. And potentially so many plugins to fix. @_@
  10. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    Gross... what the heck, I wanted that feature to really be a thing too. The worst part is I have to make a new video now, to cover that. @_@ started my youtube channel this morning and now that I know this I have to make a quick update. akjsdhsdhkash lame. EDIT: Well, I have a fix for the...
  11. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    I can't say anything about that, but pixi was definitely updated, let's give it a little more time for plugins to catch up with the new release before we write it off completely. But I'm happy with the update so far Finally we have the option for encryption built into the deployment menu This...
  12. Isaac The Red

    Hey guess i'm the newset new guy?

    Welcome to the party, if you need any help or advice we`re all here, and some of us are even friendly :D
  13. Isaac The Red

    Yanfly engine has an enemy health guage extension for the battle core plugin. Though with MV 1.3...

    Yanfly engine has an enemy health guage extension for the battle core plugin. Though with MV 1.3 just dropping I dunno if everything is going to still work. @_@
  14. Isaac The Red

    I`ve been waiting for it, you`ve been waiting for it. MV 1.3 is HERE! Steam workshop integration...

    I`ve been waiting for it, you`ve been waiting for it. MV 1.3 is HERE! Steam workshop integration for the steam version, and ENCRYPTION!
  15. Isaac The Red

    MV 1.3

    RPG Maker MV version 1.3 Just dropped on steam. The wait is over gentleman.
  16. Isaac The Red

    Graphics Looking for constructive criticism

    I definitely agree, fallen lorelei is an amazing youtuber to watch if you ant to see how parallax mapping is done and how to use it to make amazing looking maps even with the rtp resources. As for criticism on the maps you provided, You;ve got a good idea of how to use MVs built in mapping...
  17. Isaac The Red

    What education do you have/what education are you getting?

    I like this topic~ Myself I have some collage time behind be studying I Computer and Web Applications Programming as well as Multimedia. I didn`t get to finish my schooling but now so many years later much of what I learned ten is near useless today. Flash is no longer the webs greatest media...
  18. Isaac The Red

    Your opinion on online ads?

    Depends on the ad usually. As a general rule, an unobtrusive ad doesn't bother me. It doesn't actively sway my likelyhood on buying a good or service. But it doesn't make me NOT want to buy it either. Pop up ads, noisy ads, overly flashy ones, and hidden 'on click' event ads that bring you a pop...
  19. Isaac The Red

    o_o ah that's a shame...

    o_o ah that's a shame...
  20. Isaac The Red

    OK I know I've been gone a while but where did the forum options go... To change themes and stuff...

    OK I know I've been gone a while but where did the forum options go... To change themes and stuff...