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  1. Trumully

    Going on a Quick Hiatus

    Hey guys! I've decided to go on a few days to a week hiatus. I've just got to quiet down from something that happened last night so I'll be happier when I'm back. See you soon, Trumully
  2. Trumully

    Plugin Problems: Gameus' Quest System

    Ah! Thank you very much, eivl. You're the best! :P
  3. Trumully

    Plugin Problems: Gameus' Quest System

    I used 'true'. Does it need to be something else?
  4. Trumully

    Plugin Problems: Gameus' Quest System

    Sorry for being unspecific, but the error occurs when I have started a quest and try to view the quest log in my menu. Yes, I have an event that starts the quest. I tested to see if it was a certain map, but it happens on every map. :/
  5. Trumully

    Plugin Problems: Gameus' Quest System

    Hello! I'm having some trouble working with this plugin, and what this is the error I keep getting: (Error Itself) (The Console) Can any scripters help me here?
  6. Trumully

    Pre-Title Events

    Cheers, Hime! It works! :P
  7. Trumully

    Skill that Changes Attack Animation

    Yea, I thought this as well, but I'm not the best at Java Script and that means I'm no good with Yanfly's Lunatic Mode which I believe is the thin that I need to use for what I want to happen.
  8. Trumully

    MV master plugin list

    It's a bummer because a plugin I wanted was a rar. Rars don't work for me on Mac! :(
  9. Trumully

    A JavaScript developer walks into an RPG Maker forum

    Welcome to the forums, Jeremy! I'm glad to see another JavaScripter joining the forums! Can't wait to see your plugins, if any! :P
  10. Trumully


  11. Trumully

    Skill that Changes Attack Animation

    Yea, that's the thing I meant.
  12. Trumully

    Skill that Changes Attack Animation

    Hello again! I'm making a Spellblade class of which has aspects of elements. I want to set it up so that if he has cast a skill like 'Aspect of Fire', his attack animation changes to a fire attack animation. I can't seem to find any obvious thing to do here. Can anyone help me?
  13. Trumully

    the fashion police has arrived weeoo weeoo

    Greetings! The community is at your service! ;)
  14. Trumully


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 'Hello there cheeky m8' - Lenny Welcome to the forums, SwampFoot! May your power level be over 9000! Huzzah! Don't worry, I was a lurker for years. I understand ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Trumully

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  16. Trumully

    Movie Alphabet

    Office Space
  17. Trumully

    Pre-Title Events

    I should probably derail this discussion onto another thread. But I did the script call and everything. I wonder why it wouldn't work...
  18. Trumully

    Pre-Title Events

    Doesn't seem to work. It just goes through the pre-title event over and over. I actually tested this myself, but it doesn't work.
  19. Trumully

    Pre-Title Events

    This is amazing! I have one question, @Tsukihime. Can you make it so that it skips the pre-title event if you have already seen it?