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  1. Trumully

    Spooky Scary Skeletons send shivers down your spine. Shrieking skulls will shock your souls and...

    Spooky Scary Skeletons send shivers down your spine. Shrieking skulls will shock your souls and seal your doom tonight.
  2. Trumully

    Share Your Desktop !

    You have to click a link now XD Apologies for the technical issues.
  3. Trumully

    Share Your Desktop !

    How come I can see the image but you guys can't?!
  4. Trumully

    Share Your Desktop !

    Fixed it! Don't worry :P
  5. Trumully

    Share Your Desktop ! Shot 2015-11-01 at 8.30.21 am.png?dl=0 Yup. My desktop sucks. (Click the link) Or
  6. Trumully

    The night is calling my name. Good night, folks!

    The night is calling my name. Good night, folks!
  7. Trumully

    50 Hours on RPG Maker MV already (legit) XD

    50 Hours on RPG Maker MV already (legit) XD
  8. Trumully

    State Graphics for MV?

    There should be state graphics in the state option for side view.
  9. Trumully

    Hello from Singapore!

    Welcome to the forums, chongjasmine! Don't feel shy to ask any person on the forum to help you if you are in need!
  10. Trumully

    Ugh. Bored. Going to play League of Legend. Be right back guys.

    Ugh. Bored. Going to play League of Legend. Be right back guys.
  11. Trumully

    Fallout 4. I can never play it ;(

    Fallout 4. I can never play it ;(
  12. Trumully

    How to add a intro video?

    If you need any help with conversion, I can give you a tutorial on converting files on to ogg if you want ;)
  13. Trumully

    Any advice on my maps?

    I don't mind them at all to be fairly honest. Just a few things that might need fixing. With the first half of the map, I feel that the barricades surrounding the holes are a bit much. Maybe try replacing the barricades with fences? I think that would honestly look much better. Also, maybe add a...
  14. Trumully

    How to add a intro video?

    You have a video file or something, I presume. Yes? If so, then you need to convert it to an OGG for video and audio (Use VLC for Windows or Handbrake for Mac). Then you can move it into the 'Movies' file of your project and use the 'Play Movie' command in RPG and then, voila! It should work!
  15. Trumully <- Read it if your... <- Read it if your willing to (Don't worry, just Season 6 notes & changes )
  16. Trumully

    Has anyone ever been?

    You confused me. So I voted for both.
  17. Trumully


    Welcome to the forums!
  18. Trumully

    Moderator Voting

    GG, Amy! Woohoo!
  19. Trumully

    Happy Halloween from New Zealand, guys! Watch out for the Spooky Scary Skeletons! Also, just...

    Happy Halloween from New Zealand, guys! Watch out for the Spooky Scary Skeletons! Also, just realised. My dad's birthday... Is today.
  20. Trumully

    @[1:@Xyphien] No. Stealth. Wards.

    @[1:@Xyphien] No. Stealth. Wards.