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  1. Lore

    Was told to introduce myself, so ellooooo ^^/

    Welcome back to the forums @Jojozityjo!
  2. Lore

    "Hello World!"

    Welcome to the forums @Kiyunah! Thank you for the awesome intro. :D Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  3. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @Caesar Harris! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  4. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @styxfox! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  5. Lore

    Hello, My Little Gumdrops!

    Welcome to the forums @LollyDevGames! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  6. Lore

    Hello guys!

    Welcome to the forums @camac93! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  7. Lore

    E.V.I.L. w\ C.O.A. Productions

    Welcome to the forums @Riftspun! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  8. Lore

    'Ello guys and gals, nerds and nerdettes,

    Welcome to the forums @Midoribishi! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  9. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @DavidG185! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  10. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @Elijah M.! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  11. Lore

    My game is starting to get better :)

    Welcome to the forums @Moises! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  12. Lore

    Completely New to This whole RPG Maker Thing

    Welcome to the forums @Jack Darkness! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  13. Lore

    Hi there peoplez!

    Welcome to the forums @MattiMoso! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  14. Lore

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the forums @ITGuy9401! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  15. Lore

    Hi, kids

    Welcome to the forums @Doc_Xcer! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  16. Lore

    Hello World!

    Welcome to the forums @UnnickedBR! And your English is fine :) Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  17. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @Marco Santini! Glad to see another new face in this ever growing community. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. Remember that the only silly question is the one never asked. :) Looking forward to your contributions! :D
  18. Lore

    Hey folks! Apologies for not being around in recent weeks. Been helping my folks move house.

    Hey folks! Apologies for not being around in recent weeks. Been helping my folks move house.
  19. Lore

    Hello, fellow rpgmaker shinobi!

    Welcome to the forums @Jd_Uchiha! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)
  20. Lore

    Uhhm... hello?

    Welcome to the forums @BSG_Lambrik! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)