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  1. Lore


    Welcome to insanity @Loyal-Link. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;) Just as an FYI, the system tends to flag messages of fewer than 3 words as spam. Perhaps you'd like to expand on what...
  2. Lore


    Welcome to insanity @Esperada. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;) Just as an FYI, the system tends to flag messages of fewer than 3 words as spam. Perhaps you'd like to expand on what...
  3. Lore


    Welcome to insanity @Thomas Smith. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  4. Lore

    Introductions and all.

    Welcome to insanity @Xerion. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  5. Lore

    Hello World

    Welcome to insanity @SirSwing. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  6. Lore

    Hello world, it's Minty!

    Welcome to insanity @Major Minty. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  7. Lore


    Welcome to insanity @ryan_hoyle. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  8. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Bumped because I should have answered this already lol. Always Metric. I don't understand imperial. Actually none. I've travelled interstate many times but never actually left the country. If procrastination was a super power, I'd win for sure. Later though. Otherwise, either Time Control...
  9. Lore

    Inserting Images On These Forums

    I have noticed recently that images being linked in from Google Drive haven't been showing up. Not sure what is causing this. I believe sites like Imgur still work but I haven't personally tested that. I'll ping @Xyphien to see if he is able to look into it. Sorry I can't be more help.
  10. Lore

    Note to self - when developing your database, make notes so you know what everything is for.

    Note to self - when developing your database, make notes so you know what everything is for.
  11. Lore

    Hello everyone.

    Welcome to insanity @Pyraelia. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  12. Lore

    Seasonal Tiles/Sprites

    Thanks for the reply @CT_Bolt and for the links (it's 1am for me right now and of course my brain thinks of these questions when I'm tired lol) I have seen most of the links you've posted (except for Whtdragon's stuff; I like what I'm seeing). PandaMaru's stuff I also like, but I've only ever...
  13. Lore

    Seasonal Tiles/Sprites

    Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone knows of any good seasonal tiles/sprites packs for outdoor, dungeon and overworld. While i can generally find tiles/sprites for Summer and Spring, I tend to have more difficulty finding tiles that offer the same imagery for Autumn/Fall & Winter. Thanks guys.
  14. Lore

    Quesgion about copy right, Final fantasy Materia system and dungeons and dragons Dice rolls

    Hi @Azdak, Firstly, this is the wrong forum for this sort of question; it should be posted in MV Support. Don't worry though, one of the admins will move it for you. About your first question. While Dungeons & Dragons certainly do use dice for damage, skills, etc, it is certainly not...
  15. Lore

    Inserting Images On These Forums

    As far as I remember, provided the images are generally relevant to your posts/topic, and not inappropriate (such as explicit material, etc), you should be fine to post images/url photo shares.
  16. Lore

    Hello from me to you!

    Welcome to insanity @RedSpork. This is an awesome community, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I promise we don't bite...unless you press the action button. ;)
  17. Lore

    Video/Sound Recording (for Tutorials, etc)

    Thanks @firecat I will keep that in mind :D
  18. Lore

    Video/Sound Recording (for Tutorials, etc)

    Hi folks, I'm wanting to make a video of my Database setup tutorial, as well as potentially a beginning series of beginner tutorials. What I want to know is, for those who have done tutorials like this before, what screen capture/video recording, voice recording & video compilation software do...
  19. Lore

    Static or Dynamic Classes

    Hi folks, I'm currently working on a new game idea, however I'm trying to work out if I should have Static classes (where each character is their own class, or a single class that can use all equipment types, etc.), or Dynamic classes (where characters can freely change their class type)...
  20. Lore

    Things are happening... check out my latest blog post :)

    Things are happening... check out my latest blog post :)