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Search results

  1. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    Thanks @Bizarre Monkey! Now that I have done the prologue, I'm going to move onto the meat of the story. First up is day one, where Hugo and Kit get an apparently simple locator job... ^^ Character Portraits so far! There will be more sprites and portraits to come ^^ But first I will make...
  2. ArchiaArt

    Saving at ANY time?

    Hey peeps! I was wondering... is there a way of allowing menu access at all time - specifically, to be allowed to save your game at any time? Even mid conversation? If it's impossible I understand! Free saving is just something I'm used to from making and playing visual novels ^^
  3. ArchiaArt

    Zebestian's Music Box

    I love these two tracks! They are so positive and encouraging! Like, if you here this music, you will want to just chill out and explore in this environment for a while. Citizens' Delight is so charmingly swingy and vibrant - definitely a delight! I think the environment would be full of...
  4. ArchiaArt

    Artwork Requests

    Wow your commissions page is very complex xD I think it would more helpful to potential customers if the information was easier to parse? For example, here is my commission page! Tips! Only show your best work! Limit the numbers/percentages/categories...
  5. ArchiaArt

    Ravani's Monsters

    I love these concepts - and what interests me the most is the duality of the soul trader and the tortured soul, and how that might be worked into an RPG... where maybe your own party members could become tortured souls? Love your work here
  6. ArchiaArt


    Thank you @Millennium155 I absolutely love the Witcher games and I am currently reading sword of destiny ^^ Hmm, @Kaimen, well I have been on the internet posting art for years, maybe? I did the CGs for Actual Sunlight, maybe you saw? It was made in RPG Maker too and definitely made an impact...
  7. ArchiaArt


    Thank you @Iron Croc! Appreciated! @Ravani Lestari Wow thank you! So you're an artist? Have you got an art thread I can see? I'll check out your stuff :D Thanks for pointing that out @HotfireLegend I have fixed the link ^^ Might as well post the picture I drew that inspired my game here And...
  8. ArchiaArt


    Thank you guys! @Unmercyful If you want to know more about the guy in that pic - Nihil is a steelslinger from the Shimmering Isles, where the blacksmiths have an almost mystical way of forging impossibly strong, sharp, light swords. And steelslingers are trained from birth to wield these...
  9. ArchiaArt


    Twas suggested I make a thread here ^^ I draw a LOT (every day!) and so I can't show you everything of course... but here are some of my more recent pics. Feel free to asks me if you have any questions about ... any of it! Also I am greedy for feedback, so don't be shy hehe~ Nihil - OC for a...
  10. ArchiaArt

    introducing myself!

    @Bizarre Monkey No I am definitely not a practiced game dev lol! I am more of a game fan... though I made a visual novel a few years ago but it was REALLY BAD ahaha~ Funny that there are two people with similar name using rmmv, I picked the nickname ages ago because I thought it was uncommon...
  11. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    Thanks @Kaimen! You can say you like my art as maaaaaany times as you like xD And thank you for pointing out the text sound thing... it really is quite jarringly inconsistent now that I sit and listen to it... esp with that soft piano in the background. I'll see, yeah, if I can find something...
  12. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    Thank you @EvilChibi and @DarcHiro! You are in luck cause here is a new update xD I replaced the default cat with a new custom cat ^^ Hugo turns this kitty into Kit in the prologue. You learn movement and how to interact with the environment AS THIS CAT in the prologue ahah~
  13. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    I'm gonna keep it shortish - same as or shorter in length than Blackwell Legacy or Chzo Mythos series, if you've ever played those before. But that's getting ahead of myself! First I'm gonna make a demo: a 'Prologue' scene where the player can learn the controls, and then 'Day 1' where the...
  14. ArchiaArt

    Game Idea Generators!

    I have two articles I can really recommend! They aren't so much generators as idea starters, but it gives a similar result xD The Big List of RPG Plots - Lists... well, plots! And also ways to twist them, so you can surprise the player! Application of Puzzle Theory - Describes different kinds...
  15. ArchiaArt

    introducing myself!

    Hi, thank you Julien ^^ I always have fun drawing hehe
  16. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    Thanks for your feedback @Neotheny! I'm glad you think things look great ^^ But I will keep my title... I don't even know how to say half the names you posted ahah~ I made some new icons for interacting with the environment (speaking, examining, and travel) and made Nettle Street, where...
  17. ArchiaArt

    introducing myself!

    Hi, thank you @Macro!
  18. ArchiaArt

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    "It's a sad fact of the world that utilizing magic is seen as inherently dishonest," remarked Hugo. "Men of power are notoriously touchy about being associated with it. Which is rather ironic, considering how often they seek out a wizard's services..." Characters - TBC! My current goal...
  19. ArchiaArt

    introducing myself!

    @MinisterJay: Yes! RMMV is definitely a leveller ^^ I am happy to be here! I hope I can also add resources to the community myself~ Gotta give, to get! @Eien Nanashi: Thank you! I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil... if you are interested, I am actually starting a 'how I draw' series...
  20. ArchiaArt

    introducing myself!

    Hello everyone, looks like I have to talk about myself! I found this place on one of my desperate scrambles through the internet looking for RMMV help, and from my lurkings the community looked vibrant and happy to share and motivate each other. Which is what I need! Because... game making isn't...