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  • Also I forgot to add that before I joined this site while I was googling for some resources I found If I am not mistaking your church tiles and from I can see you have them here for sale but if someone is searching for them they can get for free! I don`t know if it intrests you but I thought is better to know sorry of it is not a big problem to you or if I bothered also made a screenshot to see
    His Star :) Thank you for your reply and I would really like to make some map examples but I`m still learning how to make them so I`m not quite an expert in this besides I never given them to the public >.< but if you want to see them I would like to know how to send a few examples to you :)
    Hi Starbird, I really like your Sci-Fi tiles.

    I am new on here and I was just wondering if I were to buy your mega super cool awesome bundle, could I use the tiles in a game that I might one day sell? (I own Rpg Maker MV)

    or is it for none commercial use only?

    Sorry if it's a noob question, I just want to be sure.

    Thank you for your time.

    And thank you for the free tiles you have given out :D
    You absolutely can use them in commercial games! Feel free to PM me with any other questions you might have :)
    That is great thank you! I have just bought it and they look great! Well worth the money. I will look out for any more stuff you make for sure :D
    Next time it may be more appropriate to PM the question directly, instead of public profile post. :)
    Posting some new things over the next few days. If anyone wants to make sample maps for me in exchange for tilesets, pls contact me! thnx :)
    Hey Starbird, I've been looking on your page where you have some "more objects animated", and as the download button wasn't available, I've decided to send you a message :D

    I'm a french game maker and High Chivalry, my game, is in a good process. It will be a non-commercial game, and credit will be properly given to you if you allow me to use your ressources ;)

    My mail is

    hello! what are your terms of use for your tiles? i can't find them on any of your posts.

    thank you!
    hi, i dont know why you watermarked your free content but, if you dont mind, can i use your custom tilesets? i wont make any purchasable game, just for fun. Also i will credit you (of course), my email adress is Can you send coffee shop, lumber camp, and also trees and monuments tilesets? if you cant send all of them, only coffee shop is fine too. Thank you. Sorry for bad london C:
    The watermark, in my usages, helps the member to download the resource. By downloading the resource, it keeps track of how many times it has occurred. If you desire to keep communications with a member private, please use the 'Create Conversation' option. :)
    Hi, for your church tileset it says that I can't download it and something about licenses...
    So I was wondering if you could help me with this please?
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    hey, just pm me your email address and i'll send it along to you! thnx :)
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    Never used this site before, so I'm not even sure how to use PM but this is urgent. May you send me the horror tilesets please? You can find me at Much obliged and thanks in advance.
    I will send later today when i have access to a computer
    Japan-inspired tileset is down to 0.99USD for the holidays. Guys, that's less than a dollar over free-ninety-nine for 3+ sheets of tiles.
    Japan set posted. if you're a mapper and you want it free, let me know - looking for a quick vid of a mapped version. You guys are the best!
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    As always your tilesets are amazing! <3
    you'd get every resource i've ever made in exchange for brief vid showing how they can be used in a map. if anyone is interested PM me :)
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    Are you still looking for someone to do this? I'm not an amazing mapper but I do love your tilesets and would do my best to make a good tutorial and idea giving vid on how they can be used!
    about to post a set of Japan tilesets. is anyone out there an expert mapper? i would like to provide my tilesets in exchange for vid of map
    just posted an Ancient Egypt tileset -- it's on'y $0.99 for 2.5 sheets of tiles. pretty good deal right? Ancient Aliens next?? :) maybe...
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    Your work never ceases to amaze me! <3
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