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  • Okay so this site provides a ton of value for its 36k+ users. Can we put together a holiday contest that gives back to @Xyphien AND charity?
    • Like
    Reactions: CT_Bolt
    Let's come together with an idea for 1) Charity and 2) defraying site costs, which are substantial
    I made Gaming Santa in hopes that it'll help out the community and everything :) If you'd like to message me on discord we can talk about some ideas :D
    If you recently sent me an email, it may have gone into my spam folder. Just found this out now. I will reply asap, sorry for the wait!
    go judge the Halloween contest! then you should DL the newest version of @Killer Gin 's game and give some feedback. It's a sweet project
    • Like
    Reactions: JazzGotBlues
    playin it for a bit now, just crashed )_( idk why just entered a house :O
    Probably my crappy laptop, but the game so far has been very original in style anyway!
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Awesome, thanks I appreciate it.

    @JazzGotBlues - I would love to hear more. Especially the crash, that shouldn't be happening. Let me know if it was your laptop or if it happens all he time.

    @Starbird - so you have been checking out the game?
    just downloaded the two rival games for Halloween game jam... more exited than i thought i would be about seeing which one i like better :)
    thinking about doing a physica Christmas package for people who want to make a gift out of a tileset collection
    confession time: i don't like scary/horror games that have lots of SHOCK/STARTLE elements but i love under-your-skin creeps and spookiness
    Jordan Winslow
    Jordan Winslow
    I find it hard to startle people in the RPG Maker MV engine haha. Using screen flashes timed with scary sounds and zoomed in screen elements only works to a degree but some people are immune haha.

    But I'm right there with you, I love the psychological horror that gets under your skin like Soma (Exploration Horror) and Saya no Uta (horror visual novel) but I grew up on doom which is nothing but jumpscares!
    I'm trying to upload a resource that's about ~550m and it's just not working. Anyone have any tips for getting big files to post?
    huge project is nearing completion... what if you could easily make an RMMV game that didn't look like you made it with RMMV? SOON :)
    Jordan Winslow
    Jordan Winslow
    Uhh that sounds awesome, very excited to see what you're coming up with. I love your artwork and you and pandamaru are pretty much the only choices for visually striking free resources.

    I'm utilizing one of your free horror tilesets in one of my projects right now but maybe once I get some income I'll just buy one of your package deal tilesets since your art is a welcome deviation from the standard RPG MV assets.
    What are your favorite RMMV and Ace games? I want to dig into a couple good games soon!
    • Like
    Reactions: Phil
    Not sure if it counts, but Kan Gao makes really good RMXP games: To The Moon, A bird story and Finding paradise, which are all really good.
    Good day, I want to buy tailset but have some difficulties with Paypal is it possible to pay tailset, for example, using qiwi?
    looking for a good mapper for a small project. calling all mappers...are you out there? can you hear this?
    hi there im after some sci fi maps think your up to the challenge? its for a game co produced by kevin and bobby
    hey JDH, please send an email to and we can kick this off. thanks for reaching out!
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