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Killer Gin
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  • Killer Gin is finally hitting its stride! I am now getting some VERY positive feedback from respectable gamers.
    I didnt realize how many people rush through games without exploring or equipping their characters. As a result I had to make my game easier
    Is that not what makes it challenging. Why reward mediocracy? I recommendation keeping it at the original difficulty. Please DO NOT make it easier.
    • Like
    Reactions: Jodis
    Yes! I compressed the #%!@ out of my game! The compressed file size shrank from a bloated 500+MB to a thin 150MB! (while increasing assets)
    Between the new graphics. new game journal, and the new save interface, the new version of killer Gin is awesome!
    Just finished a new build of my game! Biggest addition is the Game Journal! I cannot stress how important a game journal is!
    Just updated Killer Gin screen shots! I wonder how much that will help motivate people to try out the demo.
    I learned that Maps (in your game) make all the difference! I fixed my crappy maps and released a new version! Yay!
    Heading to PAX East today! Made sure the new demo for my game, Killer Gin 2.2, was out before I started to hand out flyers. YAY!
    Yay, I am an official Patreon of Yanfly! How could I not be! He does some amazing work! My game is so much better because of his work!
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    So you cannot fault him for that. Plus there are so many because he is so popular and his plugins are so good! I have been using his plugins since last November (when I first started using RPG Maker) and never had an issue until today. I only had an issue because they were brand new plugins.
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    I send him what he requested to fix it (took 15 minutes because I had two issues with two separate plugins), he fixed it, and now they work beautifully. The response, code fixes, and replies where unbelievably fast.
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    He made me a believer! lol. After that I jumped on Patreon! Anyways, I am green lighting my game on STEAM in a month! Check it out!
    Update today! My game, Killer Gin, will now run much better on PC, Mac, and most importantly, mobile platforms here on out!
    Killer Gin has moved into the next phase... lawyers, profiles, and PR campaigns?! Oh my! Steam green light next!
    Getting your game demo to work on android devices is EPIC!! Painful process at first, but well worth it!
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