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Killer Gin
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  • I highly recommend getting as many people to play test your demo as possible. Testers come with a fresh pair of eyes and an empty slate.
    Well, my first try at a script ended in a disaster! I had to take it out for the sake of the game LOL
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    Reactions: Lore
    Did it explode?
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    No lol but I had to take the time display window out because it was getting in the way. I just took it out and updated the game ;0)
    Crops are affected by snow, rain, and sunlight!
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    These are all new features that I am working into the next version of my game that I am calling Killer Gin Homestead (the game is called Killer Gin)

    The crop system is tied to the custom time and dynamic weather system.
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    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    When you leave the homestead and go off to the main RPG, time stays still for your homestead. Freezing crops used to be tedious lol, 10% chance to freeze per hour was way too much lol, I have since dropped it to 3% per hour (when snowing) and when you treat the plant with thaw it drops to 2%...
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    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Right now the only things you have to do is fertilize and water the plants... and make sure they don't freeze or catch bugs lol.
    If you take good care of your crops they will be harvested as premium crops.

    All these new additions and much more will be in the next version of Killer Gin! ( you can download a demo )
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    Reactions: Lore
    Thanks Drifty got making a "First Impressions Video" of my game Killer Gin! (on youtube)
    I see. Umm, basically, what I meant by "some changes" to the game mechanics is that I kinda agreed with Drifty's suggestions as he played the game, aha. But okay since you said they have been used incorrectly, guess I should play it myself then, aha. I really liked how you somewhat mixed RPG elements with visual novel elements, got me cracking up reading scene of Shinata and Gordo, aha! xD
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    Reactions: Lore
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Yes, definitely try it yourself and after the Shinata, Gordo, nut kicking scene, you should check out Gordos house... second floor. ;0)
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    Reactions: Lore
    "I just recorded an hour long first impressions video on your game. My first impressions are this is an absolutely fantastic game..."
    I just implemented a CUSTOM time and weather system into my game! Using no scripts!!! Its so awesome!
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    Reactions: GYIYGABITE
    Oh! Nice! How'd you do it? Will you post a tutorial in the future?
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Have you checked out the game? If you like it, if my custom time and weather system impress you (I will improve it) I may make a tutorial. Let me know. You can download the game from the downloads page for PC and Mac.
    Massive game update released! Lots of work but effectively doubled the size o the game. Enjoy! ;0)
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    Reactions: Lore
    Ooooohhhhh! :) I should check it out. :)
    This update mainly addressed growing pains associated with introducing a few new game mechanics. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback.
    Latest Demo posted. All efforts are now focused on STEAM debut. Please check out latest version. I look forward to your feedback.
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    Reactions: MinisterJay
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Not yet. Course its very cheap. However I am working on the game trailer and expanding the game greatly to prepare for the debut. It will be on STEAM soon.
    It is indeed cheap. Makes sure the contestants are serious. Well, kind of curious. ;)
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    It is and the amazing part is that all proceeds (from the $99 fee) are donated! Good show STEAM!
    Check out my new game trailer! Let me know what you think! Constructive feedback would be great so that I may finalize the STEAM version.
    I've noticed more downloading the Android Version of Killer Gin so I decided to update the Android build to the newest version 0.3.1.
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