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  • Members Online Now eivl, Total: 9 (members: 1, guests: 6, robots: 2)
    What is going on with the site today? planned maintenance? @Xyphien
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    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I'm not sure, if it is, then it has really good loading times considering shared servers are usually always a hassle for speed.
    It's a dedicated hosting server. They're probably doing maintenance. It's only bad about one week out of the year. I'll contact them to be sure.
    use the timestamp from my first comment!
    Hi I have a question, if I want to make a thread asking for a partner to make a collab game, which forum would I post it in? Thanks. :)
    It time to go to bed! Netflix or Crunchyroll recommendations is needed.
    Anything good, i enjoy all tv shows, but i like animation and sci-fi the most.
    "Helix" is excellent, takes an interesting twist on zombie apocalypse, it's on Netflix.
    "Coninuum" is good, it's about a cop from the a dystopian future who goes back in time to stop a terrorist cell.
    "Ascension" is also good, kind of like a very short "Battlestar Galactiga"
    Those are just off the top of my head, if you want something else, I can dig something else up.
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    Thanks :)
    201 JavaScript is done, now i will work on a few plugins! and go to the cinema and see 007 ;)
    Think i will take an early night, loooong day at work tomorrow. The rest of the 201 Javascript is planned, just need to type it.
    My surprise on the Dev forum is coming along nicely i think. I am around 20% done!
    ohh.. sleep where are you.... so many plans and so little time. I even had a suprise for the dev den planned.... dont remember what it was.
    Ohhhhh... Overwatch Beta! =) damn
    Wait, the beta came out? Blizzard, where's my copy? I asked you politely... ;(
    Dont bother, its crap.....

    No whom am i kidding, it is god damn awsome :) like UT of the days of old :)
    Just got back from martial arts training. I am beat.... literally and figuratively..... I will update all questions tomorrow!
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