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Killer Gin
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  • What is the best way to tell if low to mid range computers can play your game well? (New Original Weather Particle system in demo)
    if the weather system is merely aesthetic, you might consider developing a plugin that allows the player to turn weather on/off or have varying levels of graphic intensity. even mid level computers can struggle with RMMV games sometimes
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    Thanks, I am working on that right now.
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    I am done, there are now graphical options that allow the player to turn on/off and adjust graphical settings such as godrays, particle amounts, etc. I also added pollen as an additional weather effect. ;0)
    Would a particle system coded from scratch be impressive for an MV game? Killer Gin how one now. ;0)
    • Like
    Reactions: Starbird
    hmm... yeah i could see that being a nice defining feature and something others would want to emulate afterward. i've done a tiny bit of work in particle stuff with RMMV and there's a lot that could be done there!
    Killer Gin
    Killer Gin
    @Starbird .... I am having a contest with my game now but after, the next version will use the particle system to replace the default rain and snow.... and also add mist, fog, pollen, etc. You should check it out.
    Whats the best way to announce my game contest? I am giving $100 to the best RPG player hehe.
    Creating dispatch Missions like the assassins creed games wasn't as hard to create as I thought it would be. I hope people like them!
    When YANFLY supports you and showcases your game on his site... you must be doing something right! YAY!
    My game Killer Gin is making its way through the kickstarter process. Live once the professional trailer is created (about 1 week). YAY!
    Is there a place in the forums where we can find games that are released or in kickstarter? Let's support each others games! Yay!
    I just ordered 25 copies of the RPG Maker MV Game Engine for my College. Yay! Can't wait for class to start!
    It being on sale will help a lot too. :)
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Very nice! Glad to see this happening.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Damn wish I was a student at that college LOL. Would have loved to have rpgmaker in one of my classes back in college days. I mean, I had RPG maker back then, but yaknow.. as a hobbiest not as a student lolol
    I added visible enemies to my game and OMG it is sooo much better! Especially since you can see their line of sight!
    Releasing a new demo is satisfying, I wonder how people will like the new features. Anyways, back to work, have to work on the next one. ;0)
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