I don't quite remember what it was exactly but... sounds close enough, yeah. :DSweet :D What google term did you search "RPG Maker MV the coolest best place to go evar" or what? :D
I don't quite remember what it was exactly but... sounds close enough, yeah. :DSweet :D What google term did you search "RPG Maker MV the coolest best place to go evar" or what? :D
Bluh! Okay Dad. Gawd.It was you who told me of this place XD
Exactly the same aha xDWhen you posted links to this website on like every other RPG Maker community.
Sweet :D Shameless Advertisements ftw X3Your Steam ad.
Shameless advertisements are okay. Shameless self-advertisements, however, are not okay. Not at all. XDSweet :D Shameless Advertisements ftw X3
Shameless self-advertisements is how this forum got out there :O you need to self-advertise to grow your viewers no matter whatShameless advertisements are okay. Shameless self-advertisements, however, are not okay. Not at all. XD
By the way guys, check out my music...
I know... which is why I pointed it out in the first place. :D ... by the way, why are we whispering? Are we whispering?Shameless self-advertisements is how this forum got out there :O you need to self-advertise to grow your viewers no matter what
ohhoho! You're the person with the amazing plugins I discussed with :) Glad to have you here with us!It was Twitter. In response to a retweet of one of my own tweets; we conversed and...well, here I am.
(My plugins aren't going to be "released" just yet, as they're intended to be game-exclusive for the moment.)
Don't know about that! We shall see! ;)You're the person with the amazing plugins I discussed with
The fact that some people were giving you a hard time there made me want to check it out even more.Sweet :D Shameless Advertisements ftw X3
It's a phoenix, and the X was suppose to be a X/Infinity symbol as phoenix' respawn. A phoenix was my first tattoo, so it's been something I really enjoy. No real meaning behind it however.The fact that some people were giving you a hard time there made me want to check it out even more.
Oh, and I love your avatar by the way. I really like birds. Does it have a meaning? Infinity Phoenix or something?
And like, why would they need to feel threatened? Aren't RMwebs supposed to be the biggest super soaker RPGmak forum.The fact that some people were giving you a hard time there made me want to check it out even more.
I remember back in the VX.net glory days before the great iEntry fire that it was similar. Like "DON'T ADVERTISE YOUR DUM FORUMS HERE".Some people are funny like that. If RPG Maker Web didn't advertise like everywhere, we'd still be using 2K3 (and discover them by accident eventually)!