Indie Dev

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Where'd you hear about us?

And, at times, "Don't advertise your site here!" even if they led to good resources/scripts. Eventually, they relaxed a bit on that (this was in the earlier part of its formation though).

I don't know why they suddenly think when they get to the top that they then are above that. It's good business for everyone, really. You get revenue because you helped out, and as competitors you constantly have to improve to outshine the other.
Very true. And that's the way it'll likely be. I don't think there's anything wrong really with having a business-type model or ambition. It's the people that shape its direction and revenue stream. I used to lurk a lot in the forums, especially the smaller forums that eventually became large. I saw many fall and many succeed. The bigger ones (some of them anyway) become "too big for their breeches" in a sense. Can't remember where, when I finally decided to share some resources/scripts I'd created, and ask for help with scripts (not for actual scripts, just a bit of direction on how to do it on my own), that I was shot down severely, but after that I went back to lurking. That might be why I'm a bit reluctant to share things I've done, including scripts, except on RPG Maker Times. This forum is more friendly and dynamic, so that perspective is changing, albeit slowly still.


You could be right, maybe it was fate that I accidentally found that Steam ad. I don't even remember what I was looking for, but it was definitely not a forum haha. Kind of gave up on those things and stopped looking, then BAM! Oh look, a cool forum.


I remember back in the glory days before the great iEntry fire that it was similar. Like "DON'T ADVERTISE YOUR DUM FORUMS HERE".
That was actually on my orders (and also following Kav's advice). I held a lot of grudges against a lot of contemporary competitors that I wanted to see dead. And most did die in the end or had to become something else, so time actually gave me the reason.

You also have to remember back then we didn't have status feeds, for example, so when people wanted to advertise something they placed a thread in the wrong subforum and it was annoying. Advertising in signatures has always been ok as far as I can recall.

Considering how RMW is a sort of spiritual successor to VXNet, these policies are still in place and quite frankly they have proven very beneficial to them, except that they did manage to found an alliance with sites like RMN, which I despise and probably wouldn't have happened if I had a say, but back then we were fans, we weren't a business or official outlet so in that regard Touchfuzzy did an excellent job.

In the end, how many alternate places do you know for RM that aren't RMN, VXAceNet or *shrugs* hbgames? Their (RMW) site strategy has been stellar and I'm pretty sure their revenue is pretty solid.

Anyways, going back to topic, I found this place by pure chance after asking Jackus in the VXAceNet boards. I had come to the front page at some point but I totally overlooked the forum section, but now I'm here.

Bizarre Monkey

Don't get me wrong, I've no problems with RMW's as far as business strategies and the like goes. You said it yourself and I'm inclined to agree, gotta give them props for their business strategies.
I enjoyed, I felt horridly unwelcome on RMW, and well before I got banned, place had a very corporate vibe to it, felt like a collective consciousness rather than a community, I took to instead, which felt more like, politics had changed a lot and i wasn't aware of it, got my dumb juvenile ass banned, that I was also banned on RMW was really just a bit of gravy to the main course, only thing it did was confirmed that the decision to ban me came from higher up, proven further by the fact both admins of were fine with giving me a second chance, even if I blew it by telling a moderator to do his job properly. Though he's a prominent figure on RMW as well so god knows much of that was him and how much of that was them, but honestly, the whole feud I had going with them was a big waste of time and energy.

I kept it going because it made me feel important, like I was some rebel all fightin' da power like touchfuzzy did back when iEntry pissed you and so many other people off beyond the point they had already.

Personally, I don't think RMN is as bad as RMW, in fact the reason I like RMN is because they have the hugest balls. Like if they think you're wrong man will they let you know about it. And that's great, because that's me. I love being a callous self-righteous piece of shit so it suits me fine!

I can't really judge RMW for this, but it does seem like an incredible hugbox, like 'praise this guys shit no matter how bad it is or get out', that mentality is the reason America is spiralling the drain and why countries who make your delinquience public like Japan, have one of the highest employment rates in the world.

They publish test results for the public to see with your name, they don't hold your hand, far as they see it you were born into this world with the ability to use your brain, so use it or get out, you're useless.

It's cruel but it means in most scenarios the smart will be rewarded, while the stupid entitled whiners which describes a common behaviour pattern I've observed in RMW's and's users get the shaft.

When the world ends the useless are going to be the first to break down and be waste, that's how people are, those who are good at what they do are looked up to, when the chips are down those who never try to accomplish anything are eaten alive.

Also, I'd like to hear why you got banned if you'd indulge me, because I suspected that would happen. I even foreshadowed it would.

I'm proud that I foreshadowed correctly, but I'm not cool with you being banned from there, that was a fucking dick move, those assholes would still be sucking on the teats of RRR or HBgames or even RMN had you not come around. They were noticed by Degica and offered sanctuary only after iEntry did that thing.

Sure you were smug and a bit obnoxious but hey I'm like that all the time! I looked at what you wrote and could recount something I'd written which was 10x more insufferable.

That said I am banned from there too and kept clear of it while I wasn't. So maybe you just aren't allowed to be obnoxious there, though i guess officials are exempt because the amount of obnoxious shit some of those higher ups post make me feel good about being me and that's saying something. Running a forum through fear is pitiful, and from what I've read from several different members while casually looking through the site most of the adminship are feared, Touchfuzzy probably being the exception.

I always sorta looked up to him in a way, even though he's tried to rub my name in the dirt, there's something about him that seems noble, still.

Archeia definitely seems to be the most guilty of abusing the forums member base for some deprived power fantasy. Several members solicit her and the word banning while trembling, and seeing the way she presents herself and gets all sulky and legal about things, no wonder.

It's pretty pathetic, gonna be honest. Maybe it's just a thing people play along with, I dunno, I'm not around enough to be sure if its sincere or an in-joke. She did surprise me with her noble sense of diplomacy in my public declaration, while Indra, and even more noticeably, Celianna, were happy to shove me into the dirt again. At least Indra had fair justification. Celianna regarded me as toxic yet we've never spoken, what a fucking sheep, yet again proving to me how little this forum researches anything before passing judgement.

She'd have been justified if she left it that I stole art from her, even though that's a blatant twist on the truth to make me sound bad. I bought her dumb resources, gave them to some friends who couldn't afford it, that was that. Publicly admitting that was what got me banned over on

Yeah, I was dumb and made a mistake, I can live with that. But I love how she's calling me toxic, then the next moment she's literally laughing because I quote unquote "Cried about it on my blog".

What a shining example of a fucking human being, I hope i grow up to be just like her when the day comes I may be in a situation where i have to kill or be killed i can just kill myself knowing I've made the world a better place.

That's what I think of Celianna. I'm sure she's a pretty fine lass when she's not dealing with people who she has to consider enemies because of her corporate induction, maybe she'll be lucky and not have to endure hell thanks to having her soul taken years ago. Pathetic.

It's clear that despite dropping my hatred of them, i can still get pretty worked up. Thankfully I'm seeing my psychologist tomorrow. I can tell her all this horrible shit I've said and learn something.
Anyway, I was invited here from a post in my youtube video. I wasn't expecting to stay long until i learned Xyphien and Sage had not much affiliation with RMwebs so I just sort of... asserted myself.

Man... I should post less after watching Rick n' Morty I become so much more easily aggressive. Don't open those spoilers if you want to think well of me.

I'm a hack. Just good enough not to care about it and keep making games instead of giving into depression.

That was actually on my orders (and also following Kav's advice). I held a lot of grudges against a lot of contemporary competitors that I wanted to see dead.
Oh god, Kav. Isn't he the asshole who banned a guy for a year for getting his name wrong and was desperately trying to get into a certain panda's pants to the point of nearly destroying the whole site and outcasting OriginalWij, Mr. A and several other people to do it?

From every account I've heard that guy may actually be more deranged than anything RMW has to deal with and they had me for two years.

That said, I'd say that was early days, so it wouldn't be my place to blame you for it, and hey, I've been a vindictive fuck my whole life, too. But nothing is fun if it's dead.

That also probably makes me a psychopath. Welp.

God I'm probably gonna look at this cringeworthy post tomorrow and delete it, but for now, it's all yours.
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Let's keep this on topic, if you'd like to discuss these things you can feel free to do so in PM.


Staff member
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Can't remember how, but it was via Google links. Maybe I was googling RPG Maker MV, Idk..

The question is - what were YOU DOING in that alley?? o.O
Ooh, I think you already know ;)

Also, some amazingly awesome person made the site, and because of that this account was made, and thus me being apart of it.