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So as far as I understand it is you make your map in gimp or whatever you're using and once you finished it and you go to your RPG Maker you go to your map hit edit go to Parallax background and select your image and paste it there. Now when I would do this at first it wouldn't show up I'd have to create a brand new map make it the same size have blank and then paste the parallax image of there. Now that works fine until I get to my third map this certain map is now outside and has trees and things you should be able to walk behind. Now as I understand it you have to have two layers one layer as your background and your second layer as an overlay layer of stuff you can walk behind. As I'm as far as I am as where you can use the bind to map plugins or kaus ultimate overlay plugin. What confuses me is that you need to have different layers and certain things set up for this to work and I really don't understand that part can anyone help me out