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Battle Paused Need Help


So I was messing around with the Damage Formula to see to what extent I can mess around with it. However when I input a.addState(10); 0 which makes the battler gain the status Sleep and an aoe Sleep infliction, the battle stops progressing. The Sleep status is successfully placed on both the enemy target and the user but it completely stops the battle progression. If I have another battler who is not under the Restriction Cannot Move then the battle progresses. I cannot fathom why having a battler who is still able to move will be the key to battle progression.


Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Not quite sure what you specifically are looking for. I created a battle where at the end of turn 1 (when you attack and the enemy attacks), it will force both enemies and allies to sleep. The game seemed to just have a few text saying that the enemy was asleep, you were asleep, enemy was asleep, you were asleep, enemy asleep, then you woke up and the enemy woke up. And then the game continued with allowing you to choose your moves once more.

So the game does progress and recognize turns that's for sure. Perhaps the values you changed made the battler and enemy so weak to the point that they would not be able to break out of a sleep state? Just a guess at this moment, I don't know the values.


Wait you are on to something. When I make it so that only 1 character sleeps, there is no text saying that the enemy is asleep. It completely skips all combat dialogue. I will check out why that is and get back to you.
Not quite sure what you specifically are looking for. I created a battle where at the end of turn 1 (when you attack and the enemy attacks), it will force both enemies and allies to sleep. The game seemed to just have a few text saying that the enemy was asleep, you were asleep, enemy was asleep, you were asleep, enemy asleep, then you woke up and the enemy woke up. And then the game continued with allowing you to choose your moves once more.

So the game does progress and recognize turns that's for sure. Perhaps the values you changed made the battler and enemy so weak to the point that they would not be able to break out of a sleep state? Just a guess at this moment, I don't know the values.
After much frustration and trying to figure out why the combat dialogue doesn't work, I closed the program to work on it another day. To my dismay, it works now... So I guess I will never learn why the combat dialogue did not work in the first place. Thanks for your time.