Thanks. It still looks a bit off with the texture for the center tile (since they're 3 of the same one there it has this odd light edge on the left side, barely noticeable though). I may have to adjust the amount of light that side gets or change the color of the light from white to yellow to give it that "sun" look rather than a washed out version of the base texture. But other than that, I think it's great for the purpose of it. It also allows for construction of Viking/Norse type longhouses xP. Another very small issue I see is on the top curve it gets a tad bit jagged for some reason, or at least appears as such, and I would love to get rid of that so it's all smooth, but I don't really know how I can do that.
@Jodis I'll have to look more into your shadows and see if those will do what I'm thinking of that can improve that further. I think they could easily make it look fantastic, but it's prolly above my creativity to work with shadows on it lol. I'm more of the "base art" type person and tend to stay away from shadowing because I know I'm not that good at it. I can do the basics (like I did with the roof there, darkening the right side like all other RTP roofs, and lightening the left side like all other RTP roofs, where the center is unchanged because it's hit by light but not as much as the left side since it's technically the front.)