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I have a lot of questions...

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
So, I'm going to be starting on making my game soon and I have a few questions?

First one is, is there a way to make certain things not change, even if you go back to the last save point?

Here's the scenario:

Timmy comes across a character named Tamitha. In the game, you have the option to kill Tamitha or befriend her. If you kill Tamitha, Tamitha will not come back. You go into the "Table room" (A table with a room inside it that has a bunch of chairs around it), and Tamitha's dead body is sitting in the chair with her head bowed, wings sprouting out of her back, dripping blood. You cannot bring Tamitha back unless you either reset the game completely (deleting all save data, or starting a new save file), uninstalling and reinstalling the game, or doing a certain event in the future of the game, but can only be triggered if you do certain things before the event is suppose to be triggered. If you let Tamitha live, Tamitha can always be killed later if you decide to go back to your last checkpoint. No matter what though, if you kill Tamitha, you will not be able to go back and revive her unless you trigger that event, which will be very hard to do, or start the game over completely.

Second one is, is it possible for mutli-ending/multi-scenario events?

Here's the scenario:

Multi-ending: There are at least 10 endings you can get. Different endings for getting through the game with different characters. Each ending is completely different, no ending is alike. Certain characters die in certain endings.

Multi-Scenario Event
: There are endless possibilities for things to happen to this character, but for stumbling across an NPC, there are conversations you can have with the character that can trigger events for said character. Let's go back to Timmy and Tabitha. You can talk to Tabitha about X amount of subjects, and respond to Tabitha using one of the many available options. Depending on what you choose, you can either fight Tabitha, befriend Tabitha, leave Tabitha alone, or use Tabitha as an information broker (someone who gives hints and tells stories to help you) in the future. If you choose to fight Tabitha, you can either fight her and kill her or fight her and lose, in which will trigger a button mashing scene, where you have to mash certain buttons in a certain order a certain amount of times. If you successfully hit the buttons , Tabitha will be stopped before she can strike you down and kill you. If you cannot hit the buttons in a certain order, you will receive a Game Over. You will have to talk to Tabitha a certain way and give her certain items to actually kill her.

Third one is, if I wanted voice actors in my game for my characters, how would I record the voices and put them into the game? Would I have to use a certain program and have people to use that as well to receive the recordings and put them into the game?

Here's the Scenario:

Say I want a lot of my friends to read from a script I create for the game. I want to take voice recordings and put them into the game for the characters to talk as the chat bubbles come up. How would I get perfect audio for them all and for people to transfer the voice banks to me personally? Is there a program I can use to do that?

Fourth one is, how do I create a demo? How do I post it up online and where can I post it?

Currently, I have no other questions, but if I ever do, I will be putting them here. Thanks for reading.
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Lyon Media

1st Question: I don't think there is a way you can do something like that unless when the event goes off killing the person it executes a file drop into the game folder to always tell the computer that she is dead.

2nd Question: Yes of course it is possible to have multi anything you just have to work really hard at it. I have experience in that so if you need help with it or advice just start a conversation with me and ill be glad to help.

3rd Question: For voice acting you need to convert all files to MPEG-4 and Ogg audio files. The programs I use are Audacity and Wondershare Video Converter. So if you wanted someone to say "hello" you would have them record them on Audacity and edit the audio with Audactiy as well. Then once extracted to an Mp3 make 2 copys of it. Put the 1st copy in Wondershare and convert to MPEG-4. Put the 2nd copy in Wondershare and convert to Ogg. Audacity here: and Wondershare here: There are also free file converters that's just the one I use.

4th Question: Go to file on MV and go to deployment. That will give you a file you can use for a game or a demo. And there is a section on the forum made already for demos. So you can share it there. Or add it to a media fire account and add it to social media. Just be carful with that one depending on how to do it you could possibly run into legal issues. There is also ALOT of game sharing sites out there just look and you'll find them.

I hope I was at least a tiny bit of help to you. Good luck and happy gaming!

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
1st Question: I don't think there is a way you can do something like that unless when the event goes off killing the person it executes a file drop into the game folder to always tell the computer that she is dead.

2nd Question: Yes of course it is possible to have multi anything you just have to work really hard at it. I have experience in that so if you need help with it or advice just start a conversation with me and ill be glad to help.

3rd Question: For voice acting you need to convert all files to MPEG-4 and Ogg audio files. The programs I use are Audacity and Wondershare Video Converter. So if you wanted someone to say "hello" you would have them record them on Audacity and edit the audio with Audactiy as well. Then once extracted to an Mp3 make 2 copys of it. Put the 1st copy in Wondershare and convert to MPEG-4. Put the 2nd copy in Wondershare and convert to Ogg. Audacity here: and Wondershare here: There are also free file converters that's just the one I use.

4th Question: Go to file on MV and go to deployment. That will give you a file you can use for a game or a demo. And there is a section on the forum made already for demos. So you can share it there. Or add it to a media fire account and add it to social media. Just be carful with that one depending on how to do it you could possibly run into legal issues. There is also ALOT of game sharing sites out there just look and you'll find them.

I hope I was at least a tiny bit of help to you. Good luck and happy gaming!
Thank you very much! You wouldn't happen to know how to activate said file, do you? @Response #1.

I'm sorry if I'm asking a lot. I'm actually just starting today!


Praised Adventurer
is there a way to make certain things not change, even if you go back to the last save point?...​
May I be so bold (or ignorant..?) as to ask why this could be a Good Thing..? To me (an old, inexperienced duffer, I'll freely admit...), this sounds like the equivalent of painting oneself into a corner, or shooting oneself in the foot. OK, in playing the Game, the 'wrong' decision is made. If, much later, I find that my goose is cooked and I can't do anything about it except start from the very beginning, I'm not at all sure I'd bother, and would feel pretty 'cheated'. The whole point of a Save is to allow one to continue later. If there is only one Save 'slot' available, your problem is solved if the Player Saves after the fatal moment. One game I played, back in the day, was Dungeon Master, on Atari ST (did I tell you that I'm old..?), which only had one save, onto the original 3.5 floppy disk. No question of re-starting from any of several points, only from where one left off. I had no problem with that, but there was no 'false turn' to condemn the outcome at an early stage from which there's no recovery. Your solution, then, is to have one, and one only, save 'slot', so that once Saved after the Deed is Done, the Player's fate is sealed. I'd not like that, personally, but there you go...
You know best, of course, the needs of your scenario, but I'd think carefully about the Player's potential reaction before building around it.
Just my tuppence-worth.

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
May I be so bold (or ignorant..?) as to ask why this could be a Good Thing..? To me (an old, inexperienced duffer, I'll freely admit...), this sounds like the equivalent of painting oneself into a corner, or shooting oneself in the foot. OK, in playing the Game, the 'wrong' decision is made. If, much later, I find that my goose is cooked and I can't do anything about it except start from the very beginning, I'm not at all sure I'd bother, and would feel pretty 'cheated'. The whole point of a Save is to allow one to continue later. If there is only one Save 'slot' available, your problem is solved if the Player Saves after the fatal moment. One game I played, back in the day, was Dungeon Master, on Atari ST (did I tell you that I'm old..?), which only had one save, onto the original 3.5 floppy disk. No question of re-starting from any of several points, only from where one left off. I had no problem with that, but there was no 'false turn' to condemn the outcome at an early stage from which there's no recovery. Your solution, then, is to have one, and one only, save 'slot', so that once Saved after the Deed is Done, the Player's fate is sealed. I'd not like that, personally, but there you go...
You know best, of course, the needs of your scenario, but I'd think carefully about the Player's potential reaction before building around it.
Just my tuppence-worth.

The game I'm creating is made for you to actually think instead of making decisions you'll regret later. Yes, you will have to start over IF you decide to make the wrong decision, that will typically be your problem. You cheat yourself in making the wrong decision. There will always be an alternative in the game. There is a game similar (in the sense of decision making) named "Until Dawn". There's are butterfly affects and decision making, you will have to focus. You will have to think before acting. You don't do something? Something else happens. You do something? Something else happens. It's your choice, not mine. The point of the Save is to save from where you left off in the game, nothing more. You'd be cheating, in a way, to where you'd be able to get the character back, playing on their life. You want to see multiple endings? Complete your story line. I want this to be realistic, and lessons to be learned in the process. I want the Player to feel some type of way if they realize they cannot get the character they either got rid of back that easily. I don't want problems to be easily solved, that isn't how the story works. I want emotions. I don't want people to look at it as "just another game". I prefer the story over "game logic".


Praised Adventurer
The game I'm creating is made for you to actually think instead of making decisions you'll regret later...
That's totally fair and credible, and I like the 'consequences coming home to roost' aspect. It won't appeal to all, but thanks for the explanation. How to achieve it..? Maybe if the Save process could be limited to the one Save file, that would suffice..? It worked for Dungeon Master.