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Hello Everyone!

Jason Brady

Just introducing myself, though I've been (unknowingly) utilizing the resources of the forum to learn to integrate my Javascript knowledge with the Game Maker engine for a week now. My name is Jason Brady here and on Nexus Mods (where I mostly did some Fallout 4 mod work a few months ago) as well as on, where I write a series on creating your own game from scratch as well as some game reviews and other miscellaneous junk. I go by DonDorscha on YouTube for let's plays and some design tutorial-ish stuff.

So far I have really enjoyed the resources available here, and have been lamenting to myself that none of my friends or colleagues know anything about scripting or game design, nor are they interested in it, which gives me nobody to talk to about it. So I decided if I keep coming back here as a resource, I may as well join the community and see about making some friends I CAN talk to about this kind of thing. If I can give back in any way for the help I have already gotten from these forums, all the better.

I am very proficient at Javascript (though I am recovering from being a bit rusty), and slowly learning how to hook my scripts into the RPG Maker engine more efficiently. I rate myself as a try-hard pixel artist, and who knows my level of design proficiency? This'll be the first project I have finished in that regard, so since none of my other ideas have seen the light of day, I suppose this'll the be one that determines how good I am at that.

I am building a game called Apprentice (for now). I am drawing heavily from retro pixel-art RPGs such as Final Fantasy (VI in particular) for concept and gameplay. The setting should feel familiar enough to be welcoming but unique enough not to feel generic (ideally, anyway), and while I do want to have an important-feeling plot for the players to follow, I am also looking to create enough open-world sensation that people who want to sandbox around will be able to do that as well, and find it rewarding.

This is all a pretty lofty goal, especially for my first time but I am kind of a shoot-for-the-stars kind of guy.

So, hello everyone it's nice to meet you. If you have any ideas you would like to share I would love to hear them. If you have any pure JavaScript questions I feel fairly confident in my ability to answer them, though the integration into the engine will take some research and experimentation. If you are a pixel-artist or a SFX/Musician making chip sounds I would LOVE to talk about collaborating.

The first super bare-bones alpha version of the game's intro should be available soon. If there is interest, I will post it in the projects section!

Thanks for making a great site!

Best bet is to take a look around, I know Amy is offering her services along with a few musicians who are too. Otherwise, welcome and good luck!

When you're ready to show the world and trying to get through greenlight post up your project on here and I'm sure we'll help where we can!


Hello Jason! I'm actually looking around for people who might want to collab in some way. Though I have my own projects i'm tending to, i'd like to try and lend you a musical hand. I'm not the best but i'm not bad either. Just let me know.

Jason Brady

Hello Jason! I'm actually looking around for people who might want to collab in some way. Though I have my own projects i'm tending to, i'd like to try and lend you a musical hand. I'm not the best but i'm not bad either. Just let me know.
That'd be awesome. I'll write up a real post in the correct forum when I am ready to start building an asset base. For now I am using stock assets as placeholders, just trying to get a bare-bones alpha of the game introduction so that people can have a feel for it when designing any assets they want to contribute.


That's fine. I'm actually doing the same for one of my other projects.
(With MV being the newest version, their arn't quiet as many tilsets as VX Ace, so I might end up making a few tiles myself)
We'll just let me know when you do! I'll keep an eye out ;)
By the way just out of curiousity, have you made any games before?

Jason Brady

No, this is my first. I have been designing games in my head since I was like six though. The last time I picked up an RPG Maker it was for the PS2, and you really couldn't share it worth a damn and the limits due to memory card size were super intense, so I never really got anywhere. Up until now the closest I have come is doing some modding; a very small amount in Skyrim and a much larger (though still not overwhelming) amount in Fallout 4 using FO4Edit.


Wow I actually remember that. Man PS2 version...*shivers* (joking)
I've got a bit of experience myself, my main skills are story writing and music design.
Making a game is kinda hard for me, since I like to shoehorn an extra idea I make at the last second. ( Or think of a new story all togeather)
Here's to hoping we'll learn from each other (cheeky)

Jason Brady

Well that has the potential to be good, since my main skills are setting/dialogue and coding (specifically Javascript, which is what made me break down and buy RPG Maker MV)


Haha..."break down". It was a real bargain but after the summer sale I finally got MV.
The super plugins are worth it. Although If I don't make some progress with one game this year, i'll regret it a little..just a little :P