Indie Dev

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Crowdsourcing Site specifically for game developers?


Staff member
Resource Team
A quick update on all of this.

I'm unsure if I mentioned this or anything but early into this product we got scammed out $500, and contacted paypal to see if we could get our money back. They claimed they sent me an email asking for more information and they never did. I just got another email after explaining that to them, and they told me that I'd have to contact the seller directly, and they made it clear that they scammed me and won't be giving me the money. So... we just got an email from them stating they will not do business with us either, and won't allow us to use Paypal as a form of payment plan on our site as we're not an official business and we're high risk because of it. Even though we supplied them with our EIN (Enterprise Identification Number I think). So, we got hit with a hard set back, and as of now, the two other people bailed out because of all of this leaving just me. As of now, I've gone too far to quite, and will be looking at other forms of payment, and ways to work this out. I'll update this if/when I get the site up and running.


Staff member
I have experience with different businesses. The EIN is the Employer Identification Number. It is almost an equivalent of a person's Social Security Number, but for businesses. I'll PM you.


Staff member
Resource Team
I have experience with different businesses. The EIN is the Employer Identification Number. It is almost an equivalent of a person's Social Security Number, but for businesses. I'll PM you.
Yeah, I know. That's why I don't understand how PayPal could say we weren't an actual business, if we have an EIN, it should be enough proof that we're a business than any.
[doublepost=1460906287,1460819127][/doublepost]Alright everyone, an update for you all.

Paypal said we were to high risk to have a crowdfunding site for some reason as I stated. This means all this time, money, etc. we've spent has been for nothing.

However, I came up with something different, and I'm in the process of updating it, and getting it up. It will be like Crowdfunding, but will get your game out there instead of getting money. So, you will get traffic, followers, subscribers, etc. instead of gaining funds. This way, you can get your games name out there. There are lots of crowdfunding sites, however, I don't think there are any out there that focus on traffic/subscribers/followers/etc. instead. You can have all the money in the world, but if no one knows your game or the name, they can't play your game.


Staff member
However, I came up with something different, and I'm in the process of updating it, and getting it up. It will be like Crowdfunding, but will get your game out there instead of getting money. So, you will get traffic, followers, subscribers, etc. instead of gaining funds. This way, you can get your games name out there. There are lots of crowdfunding sites, however, I don't think there are any out there that focus on traffic/subscribers/followers/etc. instead. You can have all the money in the world, but if no one knows your game or the name, they can't play your game.
I think this is a viable opportunity.


Staff member
Resource Team
I've made some advancement of this, changed some php.ini file code, and made it easier for the developers to go in and hopefully be able to complete their side of all of this. Their respond time is terrible though, one reply every 10+ hours, so hopefully it'll be up and functional by the end of the week. I'll keep y'all posted.
[doublepost=1461040968,1460999432][/doublepost]The site has just been added/fixed. I am now going in and getting all the API and everything up and running, following that I'll be getting the website itself up, and looking professional, and community friendly. Everything is starting to fall into place. It should be up and fully functional by the end of this week for sure!


Staff member
Sorry to hear about all of the setbacks. I was looking forward to the finished thing, since I did some stuff for it. It's nice to see that you're not giving up on it though. You're making lemonade.

What is the incentive for people to share the games and such?
Will there be campaign milestone rewards, like in crowd funding websites?


Staff member
Resource Team
Sorry to hear about all of the setbacks. I was looking forward to the finished thing, since I did some stuff for it. It's nice to see that you're not giving up on it though. You're making lemonade.

What is the incentive for people to share the games and such?
Will there be campaign milestone rewards, like in crowd funding websites? is the current site right now. If you'd like to see it yourself right now.

I'll have all of your work you made posted once there is more content to display.

Currently, there isn't any milestone rewards as it didn't come with anything like that sadly. I'll be looking into getting some custom stuff added to it throughout the time to make it more of a reward type thing. However, right now, it's all on the person to help out by sharing it on their own free will without any incentives. If they really like the look of a game they can, and more than likely will share it reguardless.

Thanks for the post Sage, and I appreciate the interest in the site.