Now that we can publish to HTML, android, and iOS (potentially support for other platforms as well such as Wii U, xbox, etc), what do you think of the possibility that we will see a large influx of RPG Maker games everywhere?
Would it turn out like how RPG Maker was received when a bunch of games were submitted to Steam Greenlight?
Let them come! APPLE HUNGERS!!!
Okay for a more legitimate answer. Here's the big scoop.
The Smartphone Gaming market can't really recede much further than it has already.
WiiU is something that I doubt will allow it, Nintendo are very protective of their first party IP's. I can't imagine they'd let an engine which is used quite commonly to make blatantly inferior rip-offs of their own games be used.
Also what kind of dunce would want to even push out games on the WiiU outside of Nintendo and the third parties they pay to make shit. (See most recent Platinum Games; Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101 etc.)
Xbox is also a dicey one, first off the amount of shit you have to go through to get Microsoft to lease you as an IP provider is costly, and even more costly once you start pushing out games. I'd hope that anyone ambitious enough to put their rpgmak games on Xbox or WiiU will do research on the firms surrounding those market places.
Smartphones? Heck, I'm probably gonna do a couple solid smartphone games myself to make some easy dosh that I can then put towards the bigger games I'll put on PC.
As for HTML5, again, I'm fine with it. Hell, it's a good way to give out easy-access demos to try out mechanics, I can get in-dev player feedback, and that's awesome.
Primarily I think that's what I'll use the HTML5 embedding for.
HTML5 is the most likely candidate for a rehearsal of the Greenlight academy. With places like ArmorGames and Kongregate being flooded with the things.
Oh and Newgrounds but the last time anyone took Newgrounds seriously was before Andrew Hussie unwittingly made it explode with the Cascade flash.
Undoubtedly, the iOS/Android gaming marketplace will also be flooded, but mostly I see that as just a step in an interesting new direction than any sort of Dilemma.