You know banning me doesn't stop me either, right?
I've been the scourge of RMwebs for three years, I only became said scourge after I was banned. =)
Don't make the same mistake Obi-wanthey did. As we speak, I hold no reason to possess hostility. It is only after I'm banned that I'd ever seek revenge.
You won't realize how much you'll miss me until you try to get me to be gone.
Banning me would be the Impetus of something, silly!
I'll confess, if I was banned from here, I don't think I'd have the heart to go at it like I did RMwebs, RMwebs could have banned me alone and I'd probably have been fine, it's that they banned all of my friends as well despite them doing nothing which is what was the catalyst for the chaos that followed. Me and my friends years later, are doing great, meanwhile some members of RMwebs are still salty, it's hilarious, and, in that light, I guess we won sort of? I dunno, I don't care anymore.
It's often funny observing their hypocrisy, and Celianna is by far the most notable for this. Like I made a thread back in November asking for a second chance, and she bans me and calls me toxic?
And she does this in the same post as she is laughing at me for crying about it on my blog? Ahahahahahaha, wow it was silly! I'm not even going into about her blatantly lieing about my past crimes to be much bigger than they were to make her look good and make me look bad. Yep, I'm the toxic one alright! Lmao.
To friends I'm sure she's not a bad person, but she should consider that anyone who isn't morally bankrupt or devoid of common sense is gonna look at a post like hers and say 'wow, what a soulless bitch'. She really needs to think a bit more before she speaks. She's a representative of the RPGmaker community, it'd do her well to act like it.
Like Archeia was professional about it, Indra didn't have to be and wasn't, but at least she has adequate reason for being salty about me, besides it's funny seeing someone I look up to get so mad about things so insignificant. Funny, and a little sad that she's still so pissed after two years now? Gimme a break. I can't hold a grudge, I'm too busy enjoying what I like doing. Hell if Indra asked for a truce and to be at least mutual friends right now, I'd not be one to refuse.
When you study someone enough to destroy them, you get an appreciation for all of them, not just the bad side. I've seen the goods of Indrah, she's really pretty damn awesome, and if I had the opportunity, I'd pay Celianna the same respect.
They don't get to know who they attack, which is why I've always won in any feuds they've started with me, because I do research, I study my target, so that I can destroy it.
Usually, I feel bad afterwards. I'm not a toxic person, sometimes I just get oppressors who give me no choice but to put my empathy aside, it's funny that they then blame me. A lot of things stand out in the RPG Maker Webs staff who hate me to the bone, but the most recognizable is a juvenile inability to face themselves, that's why they blame me, despite it being very rare I am the one to cause anything that they later get upset about. Typically, and Akod can confirm this as he was there when this all went down, someone from over there, will try to tell me what to do and blackmail me into doing so. I ofcourse, actually don't care if thhey do that, and in one instance, I made their thread for them after receiving some threatening PM's and said "Lol, go nuts."
They did, thread was deleted, I was given a 10% warn to appease 'it', and that was the end of it.
So I just defended myself, I know what they wanted, they wanted my conformity, but they weren't gonna get it.
They never have, and they never will. Though it's evident after I sent their last agent back in a bad emotional state that they weren't game to send more my way, especially not to a site I'd labored to rebuild over the past two years. I was worth more than a moderator who did their job once every six months (at least in any visible capacity).
Appears we veered off topic, huh?