Question based on a true story...
As a moderator, you will be faced with very nice people, which sometimes praise you for what you do around the community. Then comes a time when you find a post that should be given a caution or a small warning to make sure the topic stays in line and does not break any rules. So you do this, you leave a very nice caution/warning message with mod speak to the user you have been praised by beforehand but then the user quickly gets upset, his nice attitude towards you has does an 180-degree flip, and is breaking Rule #2 in response to your post. What would be your steps to getting this member, and these posts under control?
Second Question....
A well-known member Is creating a Farwell post, stating in the post that he just does not like the way the community is handling certain situations and has numerous complaints but he does not directly tell anyone in the farewell post about the problems he is having.
As staff member, we should all be a bit concerned with the issues they’re having, our community strives to better itself, losing a member that is well known can be quite an impact in our community. If you become a moderator what sort of actions would you take when a member is leaving due to the way the community is handling certain situations?