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Need inspiration: Skill ideas

I have hit a rut unfortunately, i just have too many classes, that need too many skills. So i am asking our fair community to post your skill ideas. Any skill ideas will do, whether from your own game, or just ideas you have been pondering on, i just need a bit of inspiration.

Thank you.


Raxerotos / Melfireaus / Undopina / Cauispew / Hundo / Beigzalgust / Infreaght / Gugnaira / Laynceilq / Esikiless / Nao Zaigra / Bao Xergaura / Hao Yufuyitou / Fincell / Corrustion / Ooppain / Wazaraw / Tvevalti / Aquaotianm

Some random stuff that sounds skillish.
Takes enemy HP and gives it to the user.
Takes enemy MP and gives it to the user.
Rapid Flames:
Flames from the sky shoot down on the enemy 3 times. Doing something around 30 dmg per hit. Has a flame state if you have it.


Staff member
Skill: Ensnare'
Class: Druid and similar
Effects: 1 Turn -X Agility -X Defense -X Attack (Custom make to your desire. Possibly make it stronger as character level increases.)


kinda hard to give skill ideas if you don't tell a little about your game. Example: my game is about war in the present age, some of the classes are: soldiers, snipers, bomber man, etc...

for that for example you can give the sniper a passive skill to be untargetable and have 100% crit chance until he shoots or you bomber man a skill that will plant a mine and if the enemy attacks in the next turn it will explode.

for a futuristc rpg: trow a granade that will gather your enemies in one point. This turn every attack will affect all enemies. Can use once per battle and uses a void granade.

for a fantasy RPG: Soul link: 50% of the dmg taken will be shared with the target. Can be used on anyone.

For a funny actual age RPG: Boss: give everyone a raise: use 100g for each affected target to give happines to them, happines will improve all stats by 10% for x turns. Can be taken off by depression or fear.



Staff member
For Ranger and Archer Classes:
Skill: Double Arrows
Why should melee have all the multi-hit fun?
Obtainable at higher levels, and much meet minimum Agility conditions. Allows ranged characters to shoot at two different targets in same turn.
Thank you for the ideas, the reason i asked without any information is because i want to know whatever ideas that come to mind, for example i will probably use give everyone a raise (thank you for the idea btw) as a rouge skill called bribe.


Dragon Goddess
Camouflage - Rogue/Ranger becomes hidden for x turns. Upon exiting stealth, the rogue/ranger ambushes an unsuspecting foe for high damage based upon how many turns they were hidden.
Alright, the story takes place on 3 planes, Jeleka the heavens, therin the mortal world, and Infernia the underworld

Jeleka is a world of low tech but high magic, Jeleka was the first world, and the source of all magic. Jeleka is ruled by a hierarchy of angels, and much to the confusion of Therin, is not actually ruled by any god or gods. In fact the angels are humans pioneers who evolved due to the intense magic in the area. Not much technology in the area due to magic so readily available. Jeleka is made of solid magic instead of dirt which takes on the form of clouds, food does not grow on this plane, but powerful magic creatures wander the area.
Races include: Angels, cherubs (humans who evolved to be small making flight easier), Dragsil (Dragons who wandered into the area and evolved into humanoids)

Therin is a world of some magic, and steel age technology. Therin is a world created by an explosion of mana from jeleka, it was originally a plane of chaotic elemental energy, but after awhile the elemental energy began to collect in one area, creating the earth where earth, water, and air magic formed, the sun which is a ball of condensed light and fire magic, and the moon which is condensed darkness and earth. Humans were the first species to walk the earth. Humans are what were motes of condenced elements were all 4 elements gathered. Some humans evolved into monsters to better adapt to the enviroment, and some moved into Jeleka from the rifts that were everywhere at the time. After time humans started fighting monsters for land, and made tools to combat them while bettering there lives.
Races include: Humans, Fishfolk (Humans born with more water magic then others), Dwarfs (Humans born with more earth magic), Avians (Humans born with more air magic), infernals (Humans born with more fire magic), Elves (Humans born with more light magic), and Drell (Humans born with more dark magic)

Infernia is a world of only fire and dark magic, and steam punk technology. Infernia origionaly was the plane of fire, a land of pure fire magic, angels decided to send all of the most dangerous creatures to this plane as a sort of prison. After the civil war on Jeleka, the defeated angels were sent to Infernia as punishment, However angels being almost made of magic evolved quickly becoming the first demons. Demons are the angel group who wanted a more active role in Therin, they wanted to actively help humans instead of passively watching over them but lost and were sent to Infernia. Even now demons love humans, and are activly seeking ways to help humans like using the strong fire and darkness mana to forge futuristic weapons, armor, vehicles, and more. They have a bad reputation on therin, due to their appearance, strange nature of their technology, and there constant battles with angels who are widely worshiped.
Races include: Demons (Male angels who grew burnt reddish skin with bat wings and horns), Succubus (Female angels, relitivly untouched for some reason, resemble their former angel forms with bat wings and a tail), Goblins (Cherubs who lost their wings and hair, their skin looks slightly burnt, but may be any color such as green, light blue, red, ect.), and Djinn (Natives of infernia, said to grant wishes however they do not, often sealed in objects due to their arrogant and violent nature. They are at war with the demon races due to territory issues.)

The classes include
Freelancer: A jack of all trades, has no skills of its own, but uses the basic skills of all classes
Fighter: A heavy hitter, wears light armor and swings around a big sword, often aiming at limbs to disable targets
Defender: Gives up almost all offence for defense, uses 2 shields instead of a standard weapon. Often bullrushes opponents, trampling them under foot.
Mage: Uses the surrounding magic to cause damage or cripple targets
Priest: Light magic specialist, uses light magic to heal wounds, and blind opponents, while buffing allies
Rouge: Dirty fighter, uses many dirty tricks such as aiming for the groin, and throwing sand in opponants eyes.
Archer: Quickly takes down single targets, or launches specialized nets from it's bow.
Spellsword: Master of enchant magic, uses the elements to buff his attack, defence, cause his sword to reach a farther area, and more.
Gunner: Uses goblin tech guns, extremely accurate and fast, often hitting numerous times or using element laced bullets.
Artificer: Works on the same technology as goblin, often being required to be taught the basics by a goblins. Artificers use bombs, machinations, trinkets, and more.
Chemist: user of potions and general alchemy, while having little to no combat ability, he has access to almost an endless supply of health, mana, ailment, strengthing, and other potions. (Note, this is an TP based healer)
Palidin: User of light based magic, unlike the priest, the palidin focuses on the combat aspect of light mana.
Tactician: Master of strategies, he supports the team by raising moral, pointing out weak spots in armor, and conducts team formations.
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Staff member
Can the Paladin 'lay on hands?'. Some realms have it where these holy knight can touch an ally an heal a little bit of their health.


Dragon Goddess
Whoa! nice ideas dude, I really like what you've got so far. I'll see if I can come up with some more skill ideas later on


"Some humans evolved into monsters to better adapt to the enviroment" - Lamarck
"Some mutated humans with monsters like appearances were better adapted to the enviroment" - Darwin
"Some humans were mutated by the magic there, tuning into monsters like appearances, but becomming better adapted to the enviroment" - Darwin + fantasy
leaving this aside
here is one skill for each class to help you:
Freelancer: Talented eyes: A passive skill that gives a small chance to learn a enemy skill when they use it.
Fighter: Sadist: heals 30% of missing life when he disable a enemy.
Defender: Iron House: soul link to team mates. all allies will share the damage taken for 3 turns. A player can not die by this effect.
Mage: Ignite: Instant cast skill (does not consume the turn) that make a target burn.
Priest: Aura of illusion: Cast a illusion of the target, greatly increasing his evade rate.
Rouge: Never trust a Rouge: target a ally, in the enemy turn trow that ally at them, he will recieve all damage, use that chance to deal a huge damage to all enemies (skill will fail if the ally dies).
Archer: Decieving arrow: Trow 2 arrows at the same place, the first does high damage , but is easy to block and the second will hit and has poison on it (or thr second will hit and bypass the guard of your enemy if you are fighting against humans or if you have armor in your game).
Spellsword: Sonic sword, places your character on guard mode, if the enemy attacks you, your sword will reflect de damage in form of a soundwave that will affect all enemies.
Gunner: Nobody said i'v bullets: A skill that won't use bullets and is instant cast. Cause fear on a enemy faking a shot.
Artificer: Alah... you know the rest: Do a suicide attack using all the bombs he have to deal massive damage to all enemies.
Chemist:Drug lord: Burns a plant that will make your allies feel better. gives calm state to your allies, improving evade and hit ratio and making them more resistant to some states.
Paladin: Illusion copy: Enchant your sword with light. All of your attacks can blind your enemy.
Tactician: Fake retreat: Can be used once per battle. Select a ally and fake a retreat and make your enemies move, then use that to make a surprise attack on them that will apply a special effect based on the selected ally(ex: paladin will blind all, mage will trow a fireball, etc...).
Thank you for the ideas, i will definitely use them.
Can the Paladin 'lay on hands?'. Some realms have it where these holy knight can touch an ally an heal a little bit of their health.
Yes, however this is extremely weak, as they have eschewed healing and support for more combative magic
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Staff member
The Rouge may implement the high level acquired Backstab, if and only if, the enemy/enemies was/were surprised, and has enough stealth to perform. This single assassin-like attack has a percent chance to instantly kill, otherwise it does triple damage, when using dagger like weapons.
The equip system is different in this game. There is no armor, or weapon, but gems and objects that increase different aspects. Think final fantasy 7's machina system.

you can equip 11 in total, and based on the combination of gems and or objects, you may unlock a special passive.
already have something like that in place, but thanks for the idea, back stab is already armor penetrating, so triple damage is a bit much for a passive, so i made it double instead. Anyways, i know it seems like its a bit complicated but it rely isnt. My objective for this game is to add enough features to keep older rpgrs interested and engaged, while maintaining a beginners learning curb.
So far, incase anyone is intrested, i have included a class/subclass system, ai controlled pets that have there own character slot, scaled hunting grounds, unique equip system, random base attacks (no more standard attacks.) and custom move sets for all monsters.